Tilt Brush to Unreal


I am trying to bring over a simple object/scene from Tilt Brush over for use in Unreal. My problem is all of the textures are white/grey. Tilt Brush provides a JSON file - is this useful?

Anyone else have experience using a pipeline from Tilt Brush to Unreal? There is one tutorial I found that uses Houdini, however, Houdini Apprentice (free) does not allow for exporting. I typically use Maya for my 3D prep before Unreal.

Thank you for any help.


There’s a way to export FBX from tiltbrush, it’s described out there it’s easy to find. If you have an Occulus device you won’t be able to do it directly but there’s a workaround via uploading it to whatever google cloud service from google and then downloading it. That’s all well documented out there.

What’s not so well documented is that, when importing the FBX, you need to roll out the mesh advanced settings and set Vertex Color Import Options to Replace (default is no vertex color imported)

You also need to open imported material and multiply a Vertex Color node (the top output) by the imported texture in the base color

There will be a texture for the brush stroke or whatever connected to the Opacity channel, but it’s connected from the RGB channel, switch it to the Alpha

make the material double sided

Of course if you have a lot of strokes this is going to be a pain in the ■■■. I’m going to try and script it since it’s something I badly need myself, and will publish it here after

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Heydid you ever end up publishing that?

Maybe AI can help to script this nowadays, I am so keen to export my work into UNREAL, it’s not even funny…

Hi. I’m one of the devs on Open Brush and Unreal support is on our todo list - but we need some Unreal devs to help us.

So rather than resorting to AI why not come and chat to us and we’ll see if we can figure it out together?. :wink:

We’re on Discord most of the time but we also have Github issues/discussion etc. All links are on our website: https://openbrush.app/