Hello all. I was modelling my bathroom as a quick beginner project and ran into a problem. My bathroom floor tiles sparkle slightly, sort of like sand, so I made a 2k material with a noise pattern plugged in to the roughness. I applied this material to a floor plane and then used the UV offset to tile it. The roughness detail vanishes when I do this, and it doesn’t matter how close I zoom, it doesn’t come back.
Is there a solution to this? Because now the only thing I can think of is modelling each tile as a plane.
Also, an after-note: while modelling each tile is not exactly optimal, there are only twenty tiles. I’m a little worried that so many 2k textures on the screen at the same time will slow the game down, but I heard that UE4 has an automatic LOD system that compensates for this the further away the camera goes. Can someone clarify?