Tiled Landscape culls when adding a Custom SunSky as per tutorial in UE5

Hello all, this is a strange one, not sure what would be causing this, I have been trying to add in a Day/ Night cycle Blueprint system based on a youtube tutorial, which works very well in a test scene, however when I tried to apply this to my main scene, the scene looks amazing in the editor, but as soon as I go it playmode, most of my landscape tiles disapear including the one my player character begins on. So my character falls, I notice in the Simulate mode that most of the terrain tiles disapear.

Not sure why this would be as the blueprints for the day/night system deal with time, lights, nothing about landscape or the World Partition, so I am abit stumped to figure other than some memory culling, but other than that I am not sure what could be conflicting.

if I remove this custom day/night system back out and have just the standard Directional Light, the landscape has no issues. So currently only a couple of random tiles will load up, and I mean random and I notice a few further over load up but not the ones between that section.

I have rebuilt the Hlods, but this did not do anything to fix this. I am not sure what else to try.

How would working with Lights, Time and sky, have any negative effect on my Landscape tiles from loading when in playmode? It makes no sense. The Tutorial series was only made back in October so its not too old, however.

Would this be something about Memory or would World Partition some how use SolarTime for loading?

Hey @majikstan77!

Would you mind sharing the tutorial you are following? Also would you mind sharing your Day/Night cycle blueprint?

Any additional information you can provide will be a great help!

I actually was not sure if I was allowed to share links on here, since I am even still reasonably new on here., but the link to the Tutorial series is this, I was amazed how well that I was able to follow it and it works amazing in its own right, he tests it in a simple test scene though. the third iteration effects events but so far my spotlights don’t turn on, not too important yet. the day/night cycle with time is important however. Link is:

Day and Night cycle with a moon, stars and events [Part 1] | Unreal Engine

The first two parts relate to the Day / night system, the 3rd part relates to attaching events.

It just seems strange why it would effect World Partition. Unless World Partition use Solar Time, I cannot figure what could be, I am still new to Blueprints, and Unreal though.

And thank you for responding :slight_smile: