throwing an error when click 'Process' at MetaHuman Performance assest

In Output Log:
MetaHumanMeshTracker: Error: (FaceTracking.cpp, l2268): Predictive solve failed; solvers are inconsistent with supplied input data
MetaHumanMeshTracker: Error: (FaceTrackingAPI.cpp, l988): failure to track: Critical error (FaceTracking.cpp, l2268): Predictive solve failed; solvers are inconsistent with supplied input data
LogMetaHumanPipeline: Error: Process error in node “Solver” on frame 300 - Code 1, Message “Failed to track”

Hi nolest163,

Sorry to hear you are hitting this issue. It looks like the solver is failing on the first frame of processing.

The error you are seeing can very occasionally happen if there is a catastrophic solving failure, which could be for a variety of reasons. I will log this as a bug.

Could you possibly share a screenshot of the shot footage for the first frame? This may help me determine whether there is something obviously wrong with the shot footage in this frame.

I have two possible work-arounds for you to try: i) Try processing the shot with the preview solvers turned off (Processing Parameters → Skip Preview checkbox ticked). This will not affect the final results; you simply won’t see a Preview Solve during the first phase of processing. There is a good chance that this will avoid the above bug, although you may still get poor overall results. ii) Try starting processing the shot from a different start frame.

Let me know how you get on,
