Third Person Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, Paragon characters, QTE & new stuff is coming!

---------- UE 4.18 Update ----------

It looks like package is also missing config files and you guys have errors even with project file, so I uploaded them - Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

Just copy them in your config folder. This way you can work already on 4.18. If you guys still have a issues, please let me know. Version 4.18 has almost no changes. I’ve only enabled APEX destruction plugin, so basicly you can download for version 4.17 of Unreal and then covert it.

, I did get it back to normal in 4.18. Do you think Epic will ever get their act together. Great program.

---------- UE 4.18 Update ----------

I’m happy to let you know that Epic updated the package for 4.18 and now everything should fine - all files are included. If you would have any issues, let me know.

Do u have playable demo? want to see if you have issues with weapon shooting with aim offset in the air, and when close to walls

No I don’t. What kind of issue you mean?

Awesome kit and I am really happy finding this- Would it be possible to adjust the settings or the blueprints to be able to destroy destructible meshes when shooting at them? Still new at UE4 and am learning the engine. Thank You.

I am attaching a pic. Modify BP_BulletTrace with the 3 nodes. You now have the ability blow up DM’s. PhysX and DENT helps also. They are in the marketplace. Not very costly. Marcin you should make this mode a part of the Kit.

Hey Thanks!

Marcin, when are going to make the 3 nodes part of the Shooter?

Can someone explain to me the process of changing out the skeletal mesh in the character bp? I’ve tried a lot of stuff but it always ends up messing everything up

Have you tried this?

Do you have a different skeleton the default manequinn?

Update is uploading.

Is there any way to limit the characters upper body twist? Seems bit like an owls head to me :slight_smile:

I’m at work, but I’ll try the tutorial when I get home. Yes I am using a different skeleton. I’m using a character I rigged with Mixamo and retargeted.

If it’s different skeleton, you have to also retarget animation blueprint for it (that will create new class of animation blueprint) and swap references for your new anim BP class.

Patch is now live. Now bullets should also apply damage to destructables.

Yes. To disable look for variables “UpdateAimYawOnNoAiming” and “UpdateAimPitchOnNoAiming” in BP_TPPCharacter.

If you want clamp to certain angle, look into graph “Mouse Input and gamepad right thumbstick input” in BP_TPPCharacter.
There is function UpdateAimPitchAndYaw. By default it is set to 178 degrees. Look at attachement.

I did exactly as you indicated, but the character still turns very strongly in one direction

Good afternoon, I have a question, how to insert TPPCharacter in the level that I created. When I insert into the level of the Player Start , then some of the functions are not transmitted Character.

I’m not quite sure what do you mean, but to use TPPCharacter you have to use TPSGameMode in your level, or place TPPCharacter into level and enable auto posses.

Well I’ve checked it yestarday and it was working as intended. Did you try setting lower values? Bear in mind that there is seperate setup when you use gamepad (little lower, same graph)

Third Person Shooter Kit is now 20% off!

Hey @ is possible to change VR Player instead third person character? I’m interested only in AI

Thank you for your package, it’s very good to make games with it.