Third Person Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, Paragon characters, QTE & new stuff is coming!

How do I update my project with your kit to 4.16?

Open your project in 4.16 and choose option to open a copy - this will convert your project to 4.16 version.
Go to vault tab in launcher. Download update for Third Person Shooter Kit (you have to have 4.16 installed). From this update copy files BP_Blueprint_Functions and WB_Fullscreen_Setting_widget to your project for 4.16 version.

Iā€™ve noticed AI bots makes the game very slow in the demo level. Anybody knows how to fix this? Iā€™m getting under extreme low fps like 5-10 fps during combat if I add like 5-10 bots to a scene, stutters a lot and then comes back to 50-60 fps when itā€™s over. Itā€™s unplayable like this.

Hard to say whatā€™s the problem. No one reported it before. Editor it self could slow game down. Is it occuring on package build or/and as you play not from editor?

is there some way to adjust the maximum turning angle of the spine?. For human characters it looks a bit exaggerated

Yes, you can clamp angle of pitch and yaw in player character blueprint. Check screens below.

thatĀ“s work perfect, thank you very much

Is there anyway to change it from 3rd person to first person I mean not just putting the camera on the players head, I mean making either the zooming system and damaging the enemy and the enemy damaging you

Great looking kit just about to pick it up. Justbwondering how this would implement with player build systems.

As for damaging enemy and player, it should work regardles of camera. Actually there is a zooming/aiming already, so you can change target camera helper location, and use it as a zoom in FPS mode.

You mean like RPG system? Should work fine as a seperate feature since it will be stats based.

Iā€™ve made a tutorial how to add unarmed state, hiding weapon and weapon pick up feature

thank you, great tutorial and kit!

can you reccomend any quest system for your kit? i want to make something like semi-open world, like Batman: Arkham Asylum or Ghost recon wildlands.

Not really. I didnā€™t bought anything like that so I canā€™t recommend it.

its ok. i have tested Quest and Dialogue System by Svyatoslav Kokurin Quest and Dialogue System in Blueprints - UE Marketplace and its works great.

system need some tweaks - save game before taking quest, but other features works good.

Is there a way i can reduce the height the player character jumps? i have had a look but cant find any jump force variable to tweak

Iā€™ve made a tutorial how to integrate my kit with Character Interaction kit

Jump Z velocity in character

, I think this tutorial is great but maybe you guys can agree to sell the both packs as integrated and together in a bundle or something so save 2 hour of integration work-out:)

This would be amazing! Please guys cooperate to release one awesome and I donā€™t mind to be expensive kit!

Hi can you please share how to do that if you managed to do this?

In AI character BP, you need to change any reference to class BP_TPPCharacter to charcter from Charcter Interaction kit. Also you need to set the same collision setup as BP_TPPCharacter has. Much easier would be to add features from Character Interaction kit to my charcter. Frankly, what is only missing is attaching weapon mesh to spine bone. Hiding/unlocking weapon tutorial is done on my channel. What you would have to do is to play animation on weapon hide.