Hi , so when putting down some thicker grass and shrubs in areas , it lays down in big circles and if I over lap circles then it is thicker (in a circle looking way) , in some areas where it overlaps , and others it lays down too thin. Is there a way to put down grass and shrubs in an even uniform way in just some areas , say for a farm? As the circle brush looks unnatural.
You have to fiddle with the foliage brush settings - possibly duplicate and save them to have a few options ready to go at a single click.
There are options with each brush to define how far a radius from other instances of the same mesh the foliage should spawn.
At the same time I have noticed myself that some times those settings do get ignored and you end up with blank spots where you wouldn’t expect. For those spots I use the single instance mode and just lay down whatever I think will look nice in the spot.
usually grass plus a shrub.
Re the circular layout - I believe you could technically change the brush to utilize a texture. Though I have never done so, it works for landscape and it would he the quick way to lay down fields that are supposed to be somewhat uniform - corn rows, tree rows etc. where things are perfectly spaced.
however, setting the quantity of items placed and their radius to decent numbers obviates the circular effect even on single clicks - I haven’t had any need to figure out if it takes a texture yet…
Ok thanks , is there a way to use a box brush to place foliage?
If it takes a texture like the landscape yes…
Agreed…If it consumes textures as landscape then yeah
ok thanks. So without opening a new thread, (landscaping is not my strong point), when I paint say “rock” on the landscape , it is raising it up , like it is sculpting it. I just want to paint a smooth rock layer so it is a path.
Your layer has Tessellation. if you don’t know what that is/why that is, I would suggest creating a new map and making a landscape material from scratch with just colors to have a look at how it paints.
Then move up from that with the various implementations that circle around - some including tessellation.