"They Are Always Watching" ?

Am I the only one who got one of these PMs…?

Thanks for the nightmare fuel.


Who was it from?


He has no posts and was never mentioned or tagged yet.


Edit: Here’s the transcript…

“They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching. They are always watching.”

I just got the same PM but since he/she only joined like half hour ago and they have only sent spam/troll nonsense PM’s they are clearly a troll or spammer or both so I just dropped the banhammer:).

Oh man, i thought i was the only one ^^

Alright well it looks like “they” like me.

I just got this from another account:

20 8 21 18 19 4 1 25 13 15 18 14 9 14 7 9
8 1 22 5 19 15 13 05 20 08 09 14 7 6 15 18 25 15 21


yep, he just tried to post that message in this thread as well so I am off to ban the new account…again:).

Uh…I don’t think he’s a spammer…

I mean I was curious, and I always program those encrypter/decrypters…so I figured the numbers might correspond to letters.

So I put it through one of my BATCH programs and this came out…

“thur9day morning i ha09e something for y2u”


The answer is 42!
Are you always scared about standard things happening in life?
Sunrise, Rain or Wind are scaring you too?
“Well known” fact], that “they” are watching us.
My grandma scares me more then that.

It’s good to be liked.


Do you mindcontrol ppl you like?
Better prepare yourself for NWO!
Could be that you are on the track of a important secret, or something else.
Standard illumniati confusing methods.
There is only one protection against influence of other illuminati-clan mindcontrol attempts.
I wear mine everywhere and everytime.
Coffee smells very tasty with that hat on!

The digits in the message literally just correspond to the letters of the alphabet, no fancy decoders needed.

Either way, this isn’t how to conduct yourself on a messageboard.

…Well here I was just trying to you know show off my programming skills…


Oh my god, they’re coming for me.


I thought I was the only one. I wonder what all of us have in common? We’ve got to break this down! =P

Wtf :smiley: Lets wait for Thursday… I’m a little bit hyped now. :eek:

that seems a little creepy:D.

what we all seem to have in common is that we posted in the “new forum features inbound?” thread, its also the only thread I can find that “theyseeyou” has read;).

what happend Today :smiley:

The plot thickens… Lets dig a little deeper. =P

Hahaha! what a nutter :smiley: