When launching the editor through the visual studio debugger I get that “there were build errors” popup so then run the “last successful build”. it works but when I get into the editor and recompile no errors are found but I get a yellow message stating “The module 'C:\Users.… ’ has not been loaded by any process. Changes will be ignored.”
Ive gotten this before. Ive always taken this as a corruption of my project beyond my abilities to solve. In the past the resolution was to recover the project from a prior backup. However when attempting to do so this time the backup was also corrupted (which is peculiar it wasn’t before).
Does anyone know whats happening? it seems like with the right knowledge this should be a quick fix.
First I deleted the
files/directories from the project folder. Then I right clicked on the .uproject file and selected generate visual studio project files.
then click on the .uproject file again click open and it will ask you if you want to rebuild. click yes.
this might help with some corruption but it did not fully solve my issue.
this was taken from a youtube video: Regenerating Unreal Engine Project Files - How and Why
Deleting the binaries and intermediate folders are a common thing and I tend to do it VERY regularly. In fact, in my last project I created a .bat file to delete it for me so I can reset my project with a single double click
I’m no entirely sure why this is needed but it solves most of these fringe errors almost all the time.
Inside Unreal there is the option Tools->RefreshVisualStudioProject. This is the same thing as right clicking on the uproject file and saying it should regenerate the project files… but I prefer to just delete those two folders and start fresh.
If you still can’t build by double clicking the project file then you know there really is something wrong in your code.
After attempting to rebuild my project files the project was somewhat operational. However now If I try to run an error and then run “the last successful build” I get an error in the live coding recompile:
“No PDB file found for module UnrealEditor… live coding will be disabled for this session”.
This only happens If I start the editor running “the last successful build”. If I start the editor with clean code then try to program and debug from there it works.
For the time being Ive got “live coding” disabled in my editor preferences but Ive gotta find a new pdb file