Hello all,
I was wondering if there was a way to get the materials and fx separated from each other in the stack, or does there need to be a certain amount of either type before the’re considered their own category?
Can we remove comments that attack the price of packs?
Hi folks! Time to catch up.
Hey, i have a small feedback regarding the color of some words on the Marketplace Site.
Normally, everything that is clickable, is light blue, like the support email (picture below).
But the TAB for switching between “Description” and “Technical Details” is the other way round.
The Blue one is the active one, and the Black one is the clickable one.
I would change that (: It’s a minor thing, but i always click on the wrong tab cause of that.
hahah oh man, you’re exactly right. I’ll talk to the web team about that. Thank you for bringing it up!
I have noticed that very few people leave reviews for the items they have purchased. It might be useful to send them a timed reminder to review the items after a while of having purchased it (like Amazon does).
I’ll see what we can do about that! One other idea I had (that I’ve put in a request for) was including a link to the item on the Marketplace on the receipt and encourage ratings\reviews. Requiring a minimum review length to make a rating is being discussed as well.
I think a big reason for that is few use the website in comparison to the launcher, where reviews are currently not accessible. Your proposed solution could work, but I think implementing reviews and ratings into the launcher could achieve the same result, all while solving another problem. =)
Search, ratings, and reviews will be available in the launcher in the coming weeks. That and the first release of the seller portal are our two primary development tasks right now. We’ve been working extremely hard on these, and I’ve been writing tons of feedback on the seller portal in particular to make sure we have a good launch for it.
Hello all,
I was wondering if there was a way to get the materials and fx separated from each other in the stack, or does there need to be a certain amount of either type before the’re considered their own category?
It’s on the list! After seller portal\web Marketplace in launcher, that’s my top request. Right now we’re constrained somewhat by the layout of the web launcher, so we’ll be modifying the layout somewhat to accommodate more categories. It’s definitely time to split up Materials and FX.
Can we remove comments that attack the price of packs?
I see as feedback instead of an attack. I think discussions on price and value can be constructive and useful, but they can get out of hand really fast. It’s often tricky to tell when the tone of a discussion becomes nasty and stops being constructive. For the moment, I prefer to let them happen and moderate if need be, because I’d rather have a slightly chaotic, lightly-moderated discussion of a valuable subject like pricing than limit the types of conversations that can be had. Price is really important and I think it’s critical that people purchasing Marketplace content are able to communicate with and understand the people that are providing it, with the understanding that it’s okay not to agree with each other as long as respect is maintained.
I’m confused. I was informed that when a creator sets the price of his package that it’s no longer up for debate on the marketplace forums. I thought it was assumed that would be consistent with the comments on the Marketplace itself. Is incorrect?
Hi all! I’ve been a bit quiet lately, so I’d like to catch you up on what I\we have been working on.
- Setting a clear policy for WIP threads and where they go. For right now, they're going to stay in the WIP forums. I'm starting a discussion behind the scenes for the best way to accommodate . My goals are 1) providing useful visibility into what's in development, 2) giving the community a voice for input on what people are developing, and 3) making it easily accessible for people. We've already received a great deal of input on and will report back after we've discussed it further and have a clear plan.
- Refining our refund policy. I'm working on a formal writeup for , but the tl;dr is that all requests for refunds are routed directly through now. Our policy will be to strongly recommend contacting the seller first in order to attempt resolve any issues with the content. If that doesn't fix the problem or if the seller doesn't respond in time (~3 to 5 days), then we gather all the details for the reason for the refund, process the refund, and forward that information to the seller to let them know why. is something of an experiment to see how it goes and if it can scale. The goal is to improve the communication and relationship between content creators and the people buying their Marketplace content. In a couple cases, I have reached out to non-responsive sellers to let them know that they have a responsibility to support their content and help their customers, or that we'll remove it for sale on the Marketplace until they can. More on soon.
- CODE PLUGINS! I'm talking to dozens of individuals and companies right now to find out what they've got and how to get it on the Marketplace. The vast majority of my time recently has been spent here. We're establishing standards on plugin structure, technical specifications, licensing terms and what terms we can\can't support, various configurations and features we can or can't accommodate, and basically finding the fastest, best way to start publishing more code plugins. Since everyone creating code plugins is different and many have interdependencies with GPL'ed runtime components and other ways of structuring plugins that may make fulfillment through the Marketplace legally and technically tricky, has become a really interesting problem. is moving forward steadily and there will be more info on soon.
- Planning future sales and promotions. For anyone interested in putting their content on sale, drop us a line at ! We typically do sales and promotions every other week for one week. Most sellers that have participated in a sale have seen a pretty darn nice boost in sales when we promote content. Really all you have to do is tell us what you want to put on sale and how much to discount it, and we take care of the rest. :)
- Seller portal! is in progress now and coming soon. In the near future you'll be able to submit content directly into our catalog and make changes to your description, technical specifications, screenshots, etc, and will dramatically speed up the time to publish. We're also replacing our standard Distribution Agreement with an easy-to-use EULA (you know, the thing no one reads when they install software), as well as collecting all the financial and tax information within the portal itself. Believe it or not, the slowest part of the Marketplace process overall is people simply filling out forms correctly and getting us the information we need so we can publish their content. With the new system, will be veeeeery smooth. I'm excited, and have been very hands-on with the user experience here. More soon.
- Search, ratings, and reviews in the launcher! All the web Marketplace features will go in. I believe will happen at the same time as the seller portal launching.
- Combining categories and adding new ones. We're space-limited right now on the web Marketplace, so after we bring all those features to the launcher, we'll do a slight redesign to accommodate more categories and split them up. Materials and FX will separate, as will Audio into SFX and Music.
- A Coming Soon section! I haven't forgotten. Our big dev push has been on the seller portal and the web Marketplace in the launcher, and is further down the list.
- Point of team pride -- in a 7-day span, we published 23 new Marketplace packs, which is a new record! Very proud of my team for that. :)
That’s all for now. I have a huuuuuuge blog post to write in the morning to show off everything we’ve released in the last month. Hooray!
I’m confused. I was informed that when a creator sets the price of his package that it’s no longer up for debate on the marketplace forums. I thought it was assumed that would be consistent with the comments on the Marketplace itself. Is incorrect?
By who and when? Actually, PM me and we’ll talk there.
Very nice update , you all have been working hard and the enthusiasm in your post is infectious. Can’t wait, keep up the good work! =)
The seller portal is actually great news!
By “submitting content in our catalog” i guess you mean updates and not new assets?
Very nice update , you all have been working hard and the enthusiasm in your post is infectious. Can’t wait, keep up the good work! =)
Thanks man! I love that I get to do , and I feel lucky to every day.
The seller portal is actually great news!
By “submitting content in our catalog” i guess you mean updates and not new assets?
Both! Normally the submission flow is submission form -> Zendesk (our ticketing system) -> review -> receive files -> manual data entry into catalog -> publish. With , we’re nuking the entire manual data entry step, so every initial submission and update is essentially a reviewable entry in our catalog that goes into a special moderation queue for us.
What also lets you do is update your submission before we review it, in case you made a typo or want to swap out a screenshot, and you didn’t notice until after you submitted. You can just pop right in, make the changes, then update your submission. It’s essentially removing the entire middle layer where we make the changes you request, and letting you have direct access to it instead so you can tweak to your heart’s desire, and so we’re not a bottleneck. The web team has been doing an outstanding job on , and it’s up beautifully.
The one thing I’m still fuzzy on is precisely when the seller portal will begin to collect the actual project files. I think that’s in the second release or after. I know the idea is to eventually handle the submission within the system, but I don’t think that’s going to happen in the first release. I’ve been pretty firm about getting a seller portal out and in the Marketplace’s hands sooner rather than later, so we’ve planned some of the extra features like for later releases.
Did you okay the moving of thread ?
I thought it was a sticky thread for a reason in the Marketplace forum.
Did you okay the moving of thread ?
I thought it was a sticky thread for a reason in the Marketplace forum.
Calm down please … thread has been moved back. was an oversight on my part and everything is back to normal. Geesh.
be straight with me.
Does community have any input in what happens in these forums or not? If the answer is no then I’ll drop all my complaints. Threads are being locked left and right. Threads are being moved north and south. And not ONE single time has community input been asked for nor has it been accepted when provided to you over the past week. Now maybe myself and plenty of other posters are making the mistake that we have a say in or that our input is valued.
If our input doesn’t matter one way or the other then let us know so we can get out of your hair and stop the drama.
, you’ve been asked repeatedly to maintain a professional and respectful tone, but you’ve continued to stir things up across multiple threads. I’ve read everything that’s been posted, and I’m not at all happy with your treatment of qdelpeche. You baited him into moving the Marketplace Improvements thread, then immediately attacked him for it and tried to drag me into a fight with him. I don’t appreciate you trying to start a rift between Epic and the mods that we trust and respect. These are schoolyard antics, and behavior like that is beneath us.
With regards to WIP threads, we’ve heard what you’ve had to say, we’ve listened to everyone’s input, and we have all we need right now. We’re discussing internally, and will have more information on the policy in the coming days. Until then, I recommend taking a few deep breaths and moving onto something else. That is all I have to say on the subject until we have more news on the policy.
A memory/performance index rating generated by Epic for each asset plaese ?
could easily automated ( in my head anyway ) … or if too much of a pita ; the ability to filter content by intended platform in the Market Place It’s hard to find assets designed for mobile without going into each one, it’s also hard to tell how you can use an asset within a level without knowing the performance impact generating x amount of instances in a scene will have.
The Market Place is kick-**** it truly is, amazing work Epic and content creators
I have a suggestion for the Blueprint assets on the Marketplace regarding how cleanly their core systems can be migrated to our projects. I’ve bought several recently and I’ve had some difficulty in bringing them into my projects without their associated example and demo files.
I’d like to suggest that Blueprint submissions need to follow a simple folder structure, e.g:
With structure I should be able to right click on the “System” folder and when I choose “Migrate…” I should just get the core files for the asset copied to my project, and nothing from the Examples folder, so would give me EasyGameCreator/System in my projects.
I’d just like to say that I’ve been really impressed with all the blueprint assets I’ve bought, the developers I’ve contacted have all been really quick to reply and helpful, whether here on the forums or privately.
One thing that really amazes me though is just how insanely cheap they are, I bought a system yesterday for less than the cost of a packet of cigarettes that would have taken me weeks/months of work to design, code and test! The most expensive one I’ve bought would’ve still been a bargain at double the price. I really hope that the model of selling a lot cheaply works well for these asset creators.
I have a suggestion for the Blueprint assets on the Marketplace regarding how cleanly their core systems can be migrated to our projects. I’ve bought several recently and I’ve had some difficulty in bringing them into my projects without their associated example and demo files.
I’d like to suggest that Blueprint submissions need to follow a simple folder structure, e.g:
With structure I should be able to right click on the “System” folder and when I choose “Migrate…” I should just get the core files for the asset copied to my project, and nothing from the Examples folder, so would give me EasyGameCreator/System in my projects.
I’d just like to say that I’ve been really impressed with all the blueprint assets I’ve bought, the developers I’ve contacted have all been really quick to reply and helpful, whether here on the forums or privately.
One thing that really amazes me though is just how insanely cheap they are, I bought a system yesterday for less than the cost of a packet of cigarettes that would have taken me weeks/months of work to design, code and test! The most expensive one I’ve bought would’ve still been a bargain at double the price. I really hope that the model of selling a lot cheaply works well for these asset creators.
Hey, that’s already how I organize my packages Making a standard would be a good idea, in my opinion.
I have a suggestion for the Blueprint assets on the Marketplace regarding how cleanly their core systems can be migrated to our projects. I’ve bought several recently and I’ve had some difficulty in bringing them into my projects without their associated example and demo files.
I’d like to suggest that Blueprint submissions need to follow a simple folder structure, e.g:
With structure I should be able to right click on the “System” folder and when I choose “Migrate…” I should just get the core files for the asset copied to my project, and nothing from the Examples folder, so would give me EasyGameCreator/System in my projects.
I’d just like to say that I’ve been really impressed with all the blueprint assets I’ve bought, the developers I’ve contacted have all been really quick to reply and helpful, whether here on the forums or privately.
One thing that really amazes me though is just how insanely cheap they are, I bought a system yesterday for less than the cost of a packet of cigarettes that would have taken me weeks/months of work to design, code and test! The most expensive one I’ve bought would’ve still been a bargain at double the price. I really hope that the model of selling a lot cheaply works well for these asset creators.
Thank you for the suggestion! I’ll talk to the dev team to see if we can find a more elegant solution to Blueprints than we currently have. I think could probably work with a mild limitation or two. More on that in a moment.
To explain a bit of how works, we’re very particular about file structure, because the back-end tools we have that processes Marketplace submissions, ‘chunks’ them, then delivers them to our content delivery network requires an extremely specific file and folder structure, and any files or folders outside of that structure is automatically removed from the submission as it’s being processed. That limits us a lot in what we can do. However, I think what you suggested could work with a tweak. Here’s the documentation we have on the file and folder structure we currently support:
When you open your project in UE4 the first folder needs to be named your project. Example = XXX
All of your project content should reside within folder, and the reason for is when a user purchases your content from the marketplace and adds it to another project it is contained within that folder in the project.
So it should look like in windows:
XXX (main project folder)
- Config (folder)
- Content (folder)
XXX[Nospaces].uproject (file)
Within your “Content” folder should be another folder named “XXX”, and within that should be all of your project files and folders.
So in the Content folder it should look like :
Content (folder)
- XXX (your project folder)
- (all project folders here)
So if the way you described is how you want to structure it, you could have Content -> EasyGame -> System, but you’d still need to have the .uproject and config file, and it couldn’t be simply EasyGame -> System.
I’ll talk to the team about . Thank you!
I think the important part is that example content is easy to remove by simply deleting a folder, and that nothing in the main "system"folder structure depends on anything in the “examples” folder.
I think the important part is that example content is easy to remove by simply deleting a folder, and that nothing in the main "system"folder structure depends on anything in the “examples” folder.
Ah, gotcha! That’s pretty slick. I like it. Will talk to team.
Would the new seller portal apply to packs that are on the marketplace or just for packs submitted after the portal realise?