The Unreal Marketplace Improvement and Feedback Thread

I don’t think their is with you giving negative feedback about the Marketplace, but with you singling out one of their staff in particular. Regardless, why bother getting ? You’re gonna be on the Marketplace soon, and probably sell quite well. Don’t jeopardize that. If your product is not on the Marketplace and you have to sell through a site like Gumroad, you’re not going to sell a lot let, trust me. My materials pack on the Marketplace has done pretty good for me, whereas my rock pack on Gumroad has sold in the high 0’s. The Marketplace has really good exposure.

Yeah I love UE4 and I love the marketplace, that’s why I only want to sell on the marketplace, not gumroad or sellfy or any other site. If it is not allowed to comment on whether the contact with certain staff is good or bad they should write it somewhere. Because at the moment I feel treated really unfair. But I think you can confirm that I nevertheless always stay friendly :rolleyes:


So would you say it is in general forbidden for me to say that I have not received much help from Epic regarding my content, even if it’s true? I agree, the discussion is wrong in thread. It’s wrong everywhere. If you don’t want to delete the posts, feel free to move them to a separate feedback thread or whatever. But just saying what I have experienced, is allowed or not? I think I need to know for the future :slight_smile:

Just a little comment , in best marketplace that i saw , we can not make title with name like that : << AAA quality , Best pack, low cheaper , etc… >> :o is deception or maybe not


Where did I do ? I am always really friendly to anyone, and I am always constructive. Am you confusing me with anyone else?


Hey there!

I won’t bring attention to the posts in question at all here because, as others have mentioned, it’s not the place to have that discussion. Happy to take the conversation up elsewhere, however! All forum activity is associated with your account, so it’s not difficult to find.

Regarding your submission, feel free to continue the discussion with via your your zendesk ticket (I believe he has already contacted you today).

Take care.

Now, let’s move the thread back to the topic :cool:


I said in another thread, but seems the better place for it. I’d like to see creator pages on the marketplace where you can look through a single creator’s submissions. It’d be a nice way to find what else they’ve done if you happen to like one of their submissions.


I said in another thread, but seems the better place for it. I’d like to see creator pages on the marketplace where you can look through a single creator’s submissions. It’d be a nice way to find what else they’ve done if you happen to like one of their submissions.

Actually, we have that on the web! Check out Kubold, for example:

You can click on the name of the content creator on each asset page to see everything from them. I want to keep building out that profile page over time to turn it into more of a storefront, but that’s not in the near term.

Also, I don’t think I can publicly announce a landing date for the seller portal, but it is in on the way. As far as getting sales data faster goes, I’m working on that right now and will be opening up more data soon, both to share with individual sellers more often but also general data to publish to the public.

So that leads me to a question: What data would be interesting for content creators to see in public? I can’t give actual numbers, but I can give information on our most popular\best-selling categories and items by week or month, and other interesting things like that. I want to start regularly publishing what information I can, and I’d like to hear from all of you on what you’d find interesting, so I can see what I can do. :slight_smile:

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So that leads me to a question: What data would be interesting for content creators to see in public? I can’t give actual numbers, but I can give information on our most popular\best-selling categories and items by week or month, and other interesting things like that. I want to start regularly publishing what information I can, and I’d like to hear from all of you on what you’d find interesting, so I can see what I can do. :slight_smile:

I think a good starting point is :

  1. Top paid asset’s (the bestsellers assets)

  2. Top Gross asset’s (which assets has generated more revenue)

I concur with Motuproprio. I also would like to know which category i.e. sfx, environment, etc, is doing the most/least sales. And if possible, which keywords are most often found in purchases i.e. fantasy, sci-fi, modular, etc. I also really appreciated your ( ) post where you suggested categories where Epic would like to see more content of and the general state of the Market. I think that a reoccuring post of that sort would be cool. Though I bet you are already on it :wink:

Keep up the great work!

EDit: Would it be possible to ask buyers to take a short Poll asking them what kind of game they intend to make with their purchases? Maybe only a few questions: targetted platform, casual or market rdy, visual goals: AAA, average, simplistic, pixels.

could be valuable information if the buyers are willing to answer a few questions to help content creators develop tailored products for the community’s demands.

I think a good starting point is :

  1. Top paid asset’s (the bestsellers assets)

  2. Top Gross asset’s (which assets has generated more revenue)

Great ideas! Let me get together the info I can, verify it’s cool to publish, and I’ll start getting data online next week.

I concur with Motuproprio. I also would like to know which category i.e. sfx, environment, etc, is doing the most/least sales. And if possible, which keywords are most often found in purchases i.e. fantasy, sci-fi, modular, etc. I also really appreciated your ( ) post where you suggested categories where Epic would like to see more content of and the general state of the Market. I think that a reoccuring post of that sort would be cool. Though I bet you are already on it :wink:

Keep up the great work!

EDit: Would it be possible to ask buyers to take a short Poll asking them what kind of game they intend to make with their purchases? Maybe only a few questions: targetted platform, casual or market rdy, visual goals: AAA, average, simplistic, pixels.

could be valuable information if the buyers are willing to answer a few questions to help content creators develop tailored products for the community’s demands.

Those are great ideas! I especially like the buyers’ poll. I’m going to find a way to implement that, because that would be incredibly helpful information to have.

Thanks guys, is great stuff! :slight_smile:

How bout total sales (of all packs) by month, as well as total unique buyers by month. Everyone is still sort of in the dark about the size of the community.

Another process improvement I’m going to start rolling out tomorrow: Any time Marketplace content is updated, I’m going to add a “WHAT’S NEW”-style section to that specific item with a list of what’s been updated and when, much like you see on the Play Store and App Store. will help highlight Marketplace content that content creators continuously update, which I want to start encouraging more. Thoughts?

How bout total sales (of all packs) by month, as well as total unique buyers by month. Everyone is still sort of in the dark about the size of the community.

I don’t think I’m permitted to publicly share any specific numbers, unfortunately. :confused: I’ll share everything I can and always push for more, but for right now, categorized rankings and [possibly] best-of-category are going to be the limit of what I can publish right now.

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Another process improvement I’m going to start rolling out tomorrow: Any time Marketplace content is updated, I’m going to add a “WHAT’S NEW”-style section to that specific item with a list of what’s been updated and when, much like you see on the Play Store and App Store. will help highlight Marketplace content that content creators continuously update, which I want to start encouraging more. Thoughts?

I like idea. I plan to do more updates in the future due to how well received my latest expansion was. It’ll be cool if more content creators get into that habit. It helps to increase the value of the pack, and gives consumers more to use. =)

I like idea. I plan to do more updates in the future due to how well received my latest expansion was. It’ll be cool if more content creators get into that habit. It helps to increase the value of the pack, and gives consumers more to use. =)

I agree, it’s a big plus! I think speeding up the dissemination of sales reports will help encourage content creators to keep updating their content, and highlighting it when they do. The customer service and support aspect of selling on the Marketplace is something I’ve been focusing on a lot more, and I plan on emphasizing best practices and setting expectations a bit more. I’ll start emphasizing that more once I’m able to give sellers more information on how their content is performing and to give them other tools they can use to work with us and do better. Can’t really have one without the other, IMO. :slight_smile:

Agreed! Good to see things moving in direction. My first sales report is what motivated me to do the update in the first place. No better way to show gratitude for support than by showing support yourself. =)

Hey guys

I have to say really nice work from, really good experience so far.

One thing about the submission process;
Currently we have those two “coming soon” images, which have 90% the same dimensions, but not exactly. Removing that one extra step by using the same format would go a long way. It dosnt feel right and its an additional hurdle.
(the one is 394x208 , the other 476x245)
Adjusting the store layout to be consistent between coming soon and featured would make a lot of sense and simplify things for both marketplace curators and creators.

Also the store thumbnail and the project thumbnail are very similar in size. The project wants (200x200) I think ? and the Store 140x140. If the project would at least support the store resolution, that would be nice.
It looks like the actual preview thumbnail for your Project in your Unreal “Lobby” is not bigger than that anyways, so the only bigger icon would be on the “Project Settings” page, but offering no value from that increased resolution.

In general the Project settings are not described in your guidelines if I read right, so I was not sure what to do with it at first, and if it was required. Especially the Terms of Service and those textfields are leaving questions open.

If we could import, update and add images and description to our own invisible unapproved store page, that would be amazing, and would make the whole “making images etc” far less abstract.
You guys could just look at the private Store pages and approve when a user sent his request for approval.

What I currently wish the most is a simple “total / monthly downloads” counter for your own package, that would be great. I was thinking for the whole first month that I did not sell a single copy, because my “Store Balance” did not increase : )

Good work so far! Hope that helps

Hey guys

I have to say really nice work from, really good experience so far.

One thing about the submission process;
Currently we have those two “coming soon” images, which have 90% the same dimensions, but not exactly. Removing that one extra step by using the same format would go a long way. It dosnt feel right and its an additional hurdle.
(the one is 394x208 , the other 476x245)
Adjusting the store layout to be consistent between coming soon and featured would make a lot of sense and simplify things for both marketplace curators and creators.


Thanks for the kind words! And actually, I agree with you that the multiple image sizes are a little annoying. In fact, late last week I updated our guidelines to remove the need for the Coming Soon images entirely. It got to be too cluttered, frankly. Here’s a link to the updated image guidelines:

We have plans to keep simplifying . :slight_smile:


Also the store thumbnail and the project thumbnail are very similar in size. The project wants (200x200) I think ? and the Store 140x140. If the project would at least support the store resolution, that would be nice.
It looks like the actual preview thumbnail for your Project in your Unreal “Lobby” is not bigger than that anyways, so the only bigger icon would be on the “Project Settings” page, but offering no value from that increased resolution.


Well, the way the Marketplace in the launcher and the Marketplace on the web are set up involve the different image sizes but dynamically scale differently. And the launcher didn’t used to be resizable, so we had some legacy thumbnail sizes in there that hung around a little bit longer than expected. It’s been a little weird for us internally as well, but , too, is going to get better.

In general the Project settings are not described in your guidelines if I read right, so I was not sure what to do with it at first, and if it was required. Especially the Terms of Service and those textfields are leaving questions open.

Can you explain that in a bit more detail? Let’s see if I can clear that up and make it easier.

If we could import, update and add images and description to our own invisible unapproved store page, that would be amazing, and would make the whole “making images etc” far less abstract.
You guys could just look at the private Store pages and approve when a user sent his request for approval.

That is an excellent idea. Stay tuned. heheh. :slight_smile:

What I currently wish the most is a simple “total / monthly downloads” counter for your own package, that would be great. I was thinking for the whole first month that I did not sell a single copy, because my “Store Balance” did not increase : )

Good work so far! Hope that helps

Terrific feedback! And yes, week I’m working on how to get the sales numbers out more quickly. Eventually it will be automated and visible in the seller dashboard we’re developing, but right now it’s a bit of a manual process to get the numbers. I can’t commit to anything specific yet – I don’t want to accidentally promise something we can’t deliver in a reasonable timeframe in a professional manner – but that is really important to me and I’m working on it now.

I’d like to see staff picks or staff favorites. Would be a great way to keep involved with marketplace creators and I think it would incentivize more quality submissions.

Now that EPIC puts our marketplace content we submitted into our ‘vault’ and it shows as purchased, I can no longer see what price is displayed. could be problematic if there is a typo or mistake in the price.

Now that EPIC puts our marketplace content we submitted into our ‘vault’ and it shows as purchased, I can no longer see what price is displayed. could be problematic if there is a typo or mistake in the price.

Log Off or look at transactions in your account

Log Off or look at transactions in your account


I’m an idiot. I didn’t even think to log off. Thank you!