The sound on my live island keeps cutting out

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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All sounds on my island sporadically cut out leaving players with no sounds.
This has only started happening recently.

Steps to Reproduce

Play this island code: 7971-1781-8515
Play for around 5-20 mins and you’ll lose all sounds randomly

Expected Result

Sounds should not cut out

Observed Result

All game and UI sounds cut out



Island Code


Does the audio ever come back for you without restarting the game? I’m having the same issue and filed a bug report a few days ago, to which I’m still awaiting a response.

Our audio cuts out and then never comes back unless you get in a car or bike and then you will only have the vehicle sound effects and nothing else.

It seems to be when you travel a certain distance from spawn.

Also, do you use classes on your game? We think that using classes made the audio bug more likely to happen for us so we deleted all the class designers and class selector which seemed to stop it for on player, but not fix the issue for everyone.

Hopefully with more of us reporting the same issue it’ll get looked at asap because it’s pretty game breaking.

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Can you reproduce in uefn game mode? Any errors in the log?

Yeah I’ve had the audio kind of come back partially. Almost sounds like when you have an FMOD track that goes beyond it’s value range.

It’s weird for me because when the sound goes, all sound goes. Like even the UI noises when selecting game settings etc.

I’m using a class to stop people from using the weapons attached to the bi-plane and the battle bus. You only get switched if you get into one of those vehicles and then switched back when you get out. I’ve had this happen consistently without ever touching either of those vehicles too.

Yeah hopefully, I’ve started getting messages from players about it and think it’s really starting to impact my player count since people have been saying they’re leaving the game and re-joining trying to fix it.

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I’ve just finished testing through UEFN session and couldn’t get the sound to cut out like it does on the live version.

I did manage to get this looping sound playing through an audio player device set to play at instigator location to start cutting out in a weird way though.

I teleported to an area towards the edge of the map and it started to cutting out. Although it was working fine earlier in the session even at far distances.


So I’ve been testing for around 1 hour in my island and I’ve gotten it to fully break like in the online sessions.

It appears that the audio issues start out minor and get progressively worse over the lifetime of the server. Once a sound fully breaks it never comes back. I don’t believe your location on the map plays a factor since this happens all over the map. Ending the game and then starting a new game makes the sounds come back.

State 1: Minor Degradation
Video: State 1
I first noticed audio player device set to play at instigator began rapidly retriggering and restarting the loop. It would also occasionally cut out or turn off. This started happening maybe 30-40 mins into the session.

State 2: Moderate Degradation
Video: State 2
Around another 10-15 mins later I noticed that the boost sounds had partially broken and no longer sounded as intended.

State 3: Major Degradation
Video: State 3
Then around another 10-15 mins later the whole sound completely broke on the island. The state when fully broken:

  • No Sports Car Engine Sounds
  • No Enter and Exit Vehicle Sounds
  • No Tyre Screech Sounds
  • No Audio Player Device Sounds
  • No Destruction Sounds
  • No UI Sounds
  • No Changing Booth Sounds
  • No Horn
  • No Dirt Bike Jump Charge Sounds
  • No Dirt Bike Jump Release Sounds
  • No Dirt Bike Trick Music
  • No Player Footsteps

The sounds did however work for:

  • Dirt Bike Engine
  • Nitro Fang Engine
  • Nitro Drifter Engine
  • Pickup Truck Engine
  • SUV Engine
  • Big Rig Engine (No Reversing Beeps)
  • Sports Bike
  • In Car Radio (Only Party Royale Available)

Annoyingly there were no errors or warnings posted to the output log so I can’t see that anything has crashed or gone wrong. The only warning I got was from EOS that tried to time me out for inactivity.

I feel like the reason this is more common on live sessions is because they can reach that 1 hour server life pretty consistently and you’re left with a bunch of servers that have fully broken audio.

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The status of FORT-740616 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

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Yep, that’s exactly the issue we’re seeing.

For now, the only solution is to remove all the cars on your map. This Bug has been going on for about 10 days and there is still no improvement.

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Ah so have you been able to confirm it’s only an issue on maps with vehicles? And do you know if it’s any map that has a vehicle in it regardless of whether the player drives on or not?

(video recorded after version 29.40 update), please check. unfortunately the Bug still persists
and I have the same problem on all islands with Vehicles.

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Yeah I loaded into my island 10 mins after the update and the sound broke about 10 mins into the game.

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it’s happening in Rocket racing as well the sound gets much lower and the portals stop working

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I’ve found it isn’t time but rather distance (making a deathrun), as soon as i get to a particular point it just stops and only works for the vehicles you mentioned above. So annoying!

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@kalishane_eg Hi, any update on this? It’s pretty game breaking and is happening to a lot of people.

This issue can have an extremely negative impact on all active island developers.
I think one of the most critical factors in the gaming world is sound FX.
And we are currently deprived of this on our map.
After the last update, there were a lot of things and I couldn’t see any improvement in them.
If an explanation can be made on this issue, we can at least prevent the event that causes the bug.

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@Flak Is this being worked on?

I’m having the same issue. Just started a couple days ago. Audio cuts in and out. Footsteps, Weapon Fire and Music will bug out. Can only hear car engines. Cannot hear planes. Seems to only be on xbox and pc. Xbox Series X seems fine.

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Is there a fix for this bug? The problem still persists on the islands I tested.

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