The round ends by itself after one time.

The round ends by itself after one time. Round 1 is normal, round 2 ends as soon as we spawn. Round 3 is again normal, and round 4 ends in the same way as round 2. the mode is ffa

What devices are you using to manage the rounds ?

end game device

You can manage rounds just by using island settings device.

If you want the fancy ending the end game devices gives, I only know a very little hopefully someone else can inform us better.

the User Options - Functions are groovy,
End game has Activate, Enable and Disable.

maybe try adding a Round Setting device, pointing the Enable under User Options - Function of the End Game Device to the Round Settings device and selecting On Round Start. Perhaps this is all you need, as it should reset the End Game each round. but then again maybe more is required…

the Activate is for triggering the round/game end of End Game device and needs to come from a round win condition trigger, like an objective timer or such.

Add another end game device set to end game for dealing with the game end, it should just happen when the game ends and do what it does.

i tried this a week ago but it isnt working now too

@itzlllce Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative