The particle has a collision module and a collision event generator,the other 2 emitter have event receiver spawn module ,the other 2 emitter will spawn if the first emitter collides with something.then i place the particle into the level,the event works perfectly,but the event does not fire in game or simulation…Thanks!
Hey -
Can you confirm if you are using version 4.5.0 or 4.5.1? And, also, can you let me know what you are colliding with and what you collision and event generator settings are?
Somethings to look at right away would be that you do not have USe PSys Location checked true in your event reciever modules. Also make sure that the Custom Name is matched between the Generator and Receiver Spawn Modules.
Let me know -
Eric Ketchum
I am using 4.5.1 and i spawn the emitter via blueprint to collide with the terrain.I didn’t check the USe PSys Location.Also the Custom Name is the same,type is set to collision.
I tried that when I drag and drop the particle from the content browser to the level,it collides and spawns the collision event.But it does not work in simulation and the game.Thanks!
Hey -
I have reported this issue to our engineers, UE-5011, and will keep you informed as we investigate a solution to this issue.
Thank You for your help in tracking this down.
Eric Ketchum
hey there,
looks like the issue is still valid in 4.6.1. it can be repro’ed with the rain particle of the VFXWeatherPack in the marketplace. can you please confirm and let us know what the status of the bug is?
Hey Ollinator -
We are still in the process of working on this issue, it does still exist in the most current version of the engine.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
I’m using Unreal 4.11 and I’m seeing an issue similar to this one. EventGenerator and EventReceiver modules work fine in cascade previews, but do not function when placed in a level or in an actor blueprint.
Any news on if this issue was fixed, or if there’s a work around?