The nth output of style transfer model is used for (n+1)th input

Hi. I’m trying to apply style transfer model to unreal engine using NNE plugin. I try to follow the code from (Bringing Deep Learning to Unreal Engine 5 — Pt. 1 | by Weird Frames | Medium) which is style transfer with UE using NNI plugin. Also, I follow NNE tutorial (Neural Network Engine (NNE) | Course)

But the problem is the output of style transfer model is used for next input of style transfer model. So style transfer is applied for same texture over and over. I think it is related with render system (maybe, Parallel Rendering Overview for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation). But I’m beginner of UE, so I dont know why it happens.

Below is my code. Can you help?

include “FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension.h”

include “Modules/ModuleManager.h”
include “PostProcess/PostProcessMaterial.h”
include “PostProcess/SceneRenderTargets.h”

// STNeuiralNetwork
include “PreOpenCVHeaders.h”
include “OpenCVHelper.h”
include “opencv2/imgproc.hpp”
include “opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp”
include “opencv2/core.hpp”
include “PostOpenCVHeaders.h”
include “Math/PackedVector.h”
include “ImageUtils.h”

DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY_STATIC(LogRealtimeStyleTransfer, Log, All);
void RenderMyTest(FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, ERHIFeatureLevel::Type FeatureLevel, const FLinearColor& Color);

namespace RealtimeStyleTransfer
static int32 IsActive = 0;
static FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarStyleTransferIsActive(
TEXT(“Allows an additional rendering pass that will apply a neural style to the frame.\n”)
TEXT(“=0:off (default), >0: on”),
ECVF_Cheat | ECVF_RenderThreadSafe);

FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension(const FAutoRegister& AutoRegister)
: FSceneViewExtensionBase(AutoRegister)
ViewExtensionIsActive = GDynamicRHI->GetName() == FString(TEXT(“D3D12”));


TSharedPtr FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::ModelHelper = nullptr;
void FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::SetStyle()
TObjectPtr ManuallyLoadedModelData = LoadObject(GetTransientPackage(), TEXT(“MyModel”));
ModelHelper = MakeShared< FMyModelHelper >();
if (ManuallyLoadedModelData)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT(“ManuallyLoadedModelData loaded %s”), *ManuallyLoadedModelData->GetName());
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT(“ManuallyLoadedModelData is not loaded, please check the static path to your asset”));
if (ManuallyLoadedModelData)
// Example for model creation
TWeakInterfacePtr Runtime = UE::NNE::GetRuntime(FString(“NNERuntimeORTCpu”));
if (Runtime.IsValid())
TUniquePtrUE::NNE::IModelCPU Model = Runtime->CreateModel(ManuallyLoadedModelData);
if (Model.IsValid())
ModelHelper->ModelInstance = Model->CreateModelInstance();
if (ModelHelper->ModelInstance.IsValid())
ModelHelper->bIsRunning = false;

				// Example for querying and testing in- and outputs
				TConstArrayView<UE::NNE::FTensorDesc> InputTensorDescs = ModelHelper->ModelInstance->GetInputTensorDescs();
				checkf(InputTensorDescs.Num() == 1, TEXT("The current example supports only models with a single input tensor"));
				UE::NNE::FSymbolicTensorShape SymbolicInputTensorShape = InputTensorDescs[0].GetShape();
				checkf(SymbolicInputTensorShape.IsConcrete(), TEXT("The current example supports only models without variable input tensor dimensions"));
				TArray<UE::NNE::FTensorShape> InputTensorShapes = { UE::NNE::FTensorShape::MakeFromSymbolic(SymbolicInputTensorShape) };


				TConstArrayView<UE::NNE::FTensorDesc> OutputTensorDescs = ModelHelper->ModelInstance->GetOutputTensorDescs();
				checkf(OutputTensorDescs.Num() == 1, TEXT("The current example supports only models with a single output tensor"));
				UE::NNE::FSymbolicTensorShape SymbolicOutputTensorShape = OutputTensorDescs[0].GetShape();
				checkf(SymbolicOutputTensorShape.IsConcrete(), TEXT("The current example supports only models without variable output tensor dimensions"));
				TArray<UE::NNE::FTensorShape> OutputTensorShapes = { UE::NNE::FTensorShape::MakeFromSymbolic(SymbolicOutputTensorShape) };

				// Example for creating in- and outputs
				ModelHelper->InputBindings[0].Data = ModelHelper->InputData.GetData();
				ModelHelper->InputBindings[0].SizeInBytes = ModelHelper->InputData.Num() * sizeof(float);

				ModelHelper->OutputBindings[0].Data = ModelHelper->OutputData.GetData();
				ModelHelper->OutputBindings[0].SizeInBytes = ModelHelper->OutputData.Num() * sizeof(float);

				UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Failed to create the model instance"));
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Failed to create the model"));
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Cannot find runtime NNERuntimeORTCpu, please enable the corresponding plugin"));


bool FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::IsActiveThisFrame_Internal(const FSceneViewExtensionContext& Context) const
return ViewExtensionIsActive;


void FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::AddStylePass_RenderThread(
FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder,
FRDGTextureRef SourceTexture)
if (SourceTexture == nullptr)
UE_LOG(LogRealtimeStyleTransfer, Warning, TEXT(“Skipping null texture”));

FStylePassParameters* Parameters = GraphBuilder.AllocParameters<FStylePassParameters>();
Parameters->Source = SourceTexture;

	[this, SourceTexture](FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList) {
		if (ModelHelper == nullptr)
		FRHITexture2D* Texture = SourceTexture->GetRHI()->GetTexture2D();
		Width = Texture->GetSizeX();
		Height = Texture->GetSizeY();
		CopyTextureFromGPUToCPU(RHICmdList, Texture);
		CopyTextureFromCPUToGPU(RHICmdList, Texture);


void FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::CopyTextureFromCPUToGPU(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FRHITexture2D* Texture)
const FUpdateTextureRegion2D TextureRegion2D(0, 0, 0, 0, Width, Height);
RHICmdList.UpdateTexture2D(Texture, 0, TextureRegion2D, Width * 4, (const uint8*)StylizedImageCPU.GetData());

void FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::CopyTextureFromGPUToCPU(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FRHITexture2D* Texture)
double startSeconds = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

const int PixelCount = Width * Height;

	FIntRect(0, 0, Width, Height),
	FReadSurfaceDataFlags(RCM_UNorm, CubeFace_MAX));

InputImageCPU.SetNumZeroed(PixelCount * 3);

ParallelFor(RawImage.Num(), [&](int32 Idx) {
	const int i = Idx * 3;
	const FColor& Pixel = RawImage[Idx];

	InputImageCPU[i] = Pixel.R;
	InputImageCPU[i + 1] = Pixel.G;
	InputImageCPU[i + 2] = Pixel.B;

// print time elapsed
double secondsElapsed = FPlatformTime::Seconds() - startSeconds;

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Read pixel completed in %f."), secondsElapsed)


void FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::ResizeScreenImageToMatchModel()
// Create image from StylizedImage object
cv::Mat inputImage(Height, Width, CV_8UC3, InputImageCPU.GetData());
cv::cvtColor(inputImage, inputImage, cv::COLOR_RGB2BGR);

// Create image to resize for inferencing
cv::Mat outputImage(224, 224, CV_8UC3);

// Resize to outputImage
cv::resize(inputImage, outputImage, cv::Size(224, 224));

// Reshape to 1D
outputImage = outputImage.reshape(1, 1);

// uint_8, [0, 255] -> float, [0, 1]
std::vector<float> vec;
outputImage.convertTo(vec, CV_32FC1, 1. / 255);

// Height, Width, Channel to Channel, Height, Width
const int inputSize = 224 * 224 * 3; // 모델에 맞게 수정해야함

for (size_t ch = 0; ch < 3; ++ch) {
	const int blockSize = inputSize / 3;

	ParallelFor(blockSize, [&](int32 Idx) {
		const int i = (Idx * 3) + ch;

		const int stride = ch * blockSize;

		ModelHelper->InputData[Idx + stride] = vec[i];

ModelHelper->InputBindings[0].Data = ModelHelper->InputData.GetData();
ModelHelper->InputBindings[0].SizeInBytes = ModelHelper->InputData.Num() * sizeof(float);

for (size_t i=0; i < inputSize; ++i) {
	if (ModelHelper->InputData[i] != 0.0)
		float k = ModelHelper->InputData[i];
		int q = 0;


void FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::ResizeModelImageToMatchScreen()
if (ModelHelper->OutputBindings.Num() == 0)

const int OutputSize = 222 * 222 * 3;
const int BlockSize = OutputSize / 3;
TArray<float> ModelOutput = ModelHelper->OutputData;
std::vector<uint8> vec;
for (size_t i=0; i<BlockSize; ++i)
	uint8 Red = FMath::Clamp<uint8>(FMath::RoundToInt(ModelOutput[i]), 0, 255);
	uint8 Green = FMath::Clamp<uint8>(FMath::RoundToInt(ModelOutput[BlockSize + i]), 0, 255);
	uint8 Blue = FMath::Clamp<uint8>(FMath::RoundToInt(ModelOutput[BlockSize * 2 + i]), 0, 255);
	vec[i * 3] = Red;
	vec[i * 3 + 1] = Green;
	vec[i * 3 + 2] = Blue;

ModelHelper->OutputData.Reset(); // 없애야 할 수 있음
cv::Mat resultImage(222, 222, CV_8UC3,;

cv::resize(resultImage, resultImage, cv::Size(Width, Height));

const uint8* RawPixel =;
const int PixelCount = Width * Height;


ParallelFor(PixelCount, [&](int32 Idx) {
	const int i = Idx * 3;

	uint32 R, G, B;

	R = RawPixel[i];
	G = RawPixel[i + 1];
	B = RawPixel[i + 2];
	uint32 color = (R << 22) | (G << 12) | (B << 2) | 3;

	StylizedImageCPU[Idx] = color;


void FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::ApplyStyle()
// create network and run model

const int inputSize = 224 * 224 * 3;
const int outputSize = 222 * 222 * 3;

for (size_t i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i)
	float testvalue = ModelHelper->InputData[i];
	if (testvalue != 0)
		int e = 0;

if (ModelHelper.IsValid())
	// Example for async inference
		// Process ModelHelper->OutputData from the previous run here
		// Fill in new data into ModelHelper->InputData here
		TSharedPtr<FMyModelHelper> ModelHelperPtr = ModelHelper;
		if (ModelHelperPtr->ModelInstance->RunSync(ModelHelperPtr->InputBindings, ModelHelperPtr->OutputBindings) != 0)
			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Failed to run the model"));


void FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::SubscribeToPostProcessingPass(EPostProcessingPass PassId, FAfterPassCallbackDelegateArray& InOutPassCallbacks, bool bIsPassEnabled)
if (!RealtimeStyleTransfer::IsActive)

if (!bIsPassEnabled)

if (PassId == EPostProcessingPass::Tonemap)
	InOutPassCallbacks.Add(FAfterPassCallbackDelegate::CreateRaw(this, &FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::AfterTonemap_RenderThread));


FScreenPassTexture FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::ApplyStyleTransfer(FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder, const FSceneView& View, const FPostProcessMaterialInputs& InOutInputs, const FString& DDSFileName)
FRDGTextureRef SaveTexture = nullptr;
FScreenPassTexture ReturnTexture;

if (InOutInputs.OverrideOutput.IsValid())
	SaveTexture = InOutInputs.OverrideOutput.Texture;
	ReturnTexture = InOutInputs.OverrideOutput;
	SaveTexture = InOutInputs.Textures[(uint32)EPostProcessMaterialInput::SceneColor].Texture;
	ReturnTexture = const_cast<FScreenPassTexture&>(InOutInputs.Textures[(uint32)EPostProcessMaterialInput::SceneColor]);

AddStylePass_RenderThread(GraphBuilder, SaveTexture);

return ReturnTexture;


FScreenPassTexture FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension::AfterTonemap_RenderThread(FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder, const FSceneView& View, const FPostProcessMaterialInputs& InOutInputs)
RDG_EVENT_SCOPE(GraphBuilder, “RealtimeStyleTransfer_AfterTonemap”);
return ApplyStyleTransfer(GraphBuilder, View, InOutInputs, FString::Printf(TEXT(“After%02dTonemap”), EPostProcessingPass::Tonemap));


Hey @kromkh8
Thanks for trying to port the style transfer demo!

I quickly looked through the NNE related code and it mostly looks fine.
However, I see that you reset the output in ResizeModelImageToMatchScreen() but dont update the bindings.

So how this works is that somwhere you need the input data and output data being allocated which is inside your InptData and OutputData. When you call RunSync(…) you need to pass TensorBindings, which contain pointer to this data. So when you change the input and output memory (which can happen when you resize your OutputData), the tensor binding will point to wrong memory. So at this point you also need to update your bindings to point to the correct data again.

It is hard to check the code with this formatting, but since you copied most of it from the tutorial, I recommend that you try to figure out what the differences are and slightly change until it does not work anymore. E.g. instead of running the neural network, you could simply just copy the red color channel and see if that works.

Good luck!

Btw. if you have cpu inference running, you can try to use NNE’s RDG interface to run inference directly on GPU, without having to copy it down to cpu :wink:

Thanks for answering my question!
I changed my code by allocating output data to outputbindings, but the problem is still.
I think my problem is not related to NNE plugin, but it is related to postprocess rendering.

This is before using style transfer model.

After I use style transfer model, I can see the car barely.

But after a very short time (or tick), I can’t see the car.

I think this problem is caused because the output of style transfer model is used for input of style transfer over and over.

I dont know how to upload code in unreal community properly, but here is my git code for my projects. Racing_Portfolio/Source/Racing_Portfolio/General/FRealtimeStyleTransferViewExtension.cpp at main · krom8/Racing_Portfolio · GitHub

I stuided deep learning also i have interests in applying deep learning in game developing. But I’m a beginner of unreal engine, so it is hard for me. If you can help, I’ll be very appreciated.

Since the tutorial you mentioned above was working (with old NNI) but not working anymore now, it should be easy for you to debug:

E.g. you can observe the buffers that you receive from the gpu readback, check out all the differences between the tutorial and your code to figure out which part creates this loop.

Have you tried to just copy the tutorial and remove all NNI code, simply copying the buffer on CPU instead of running a neural network? I think that is the minimal code that you need to reproduce the bug. And if it does not reproduce, you already have an indicator where the problem could be