Instead of adding to the project it overwrites the level. Any of the other add to project offerings work fine.
Hi 6dollarman,
- Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
- What steps are you taking to migrate the content to a new project?
- Are your other levels/maps still present or does it completely remove them from a project?
I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.
Hi ,
What happens is this. The Automotive Materials appears to be set up as a level and not materials for download so you cannot add them to a project because it is a level. I lost the project after deleting it. I tried again with something I didn’t care about and found my assets intact but my level gone and the Automotive Materials as the new level.
I see the button has been changed to “create project” from “add to project”.
Is there any way to import the materials into a project?
Hi 6dollarman,
The automotive materials pack is meant as a complete project. If you create the project you can migrate the content by opening the project in editor, RMB on the desired content and press Migrate>OK, you should then be able to direct the filepath for the assets in question.