The Great Race: A Showcase Collection of my First UEFN Game Project

UEFN opens to the gateway to so many opportunities for those who are passionate about game development with Unreal Engine. For me, the transition from console to PC has been adventurous. Since I have started this journey in UEFN I have learned how to create and transition cutscenes, create my own devices, the fundamentals of Verse including how to read and decipher the code, and so much more! Yet there is much more for me to learn and I am excited !

Sharing and learning goes hand and hand, so I wanted to start off by sharing my first UEFN project, which is now in production: The Great Race.

Here you will see how I organize the files listed in my outliner. I found this to be extremely helpful, especially on big projects. I am able to easily find props and devices based on the scenes that they are in. The files are listed in a hierarchy for easier project navigation! For example, within the Pregame scene , there is a folder for Players ( which has all the player spawn pads), a folder for devices, a folder for the level build - which contains all the props used for the background.

Project workflow and organization is so important when it comes to working efficiently. How do you organize your files? Do you find it helpful? Do you have another system that you would like to share? If so, please share! I would love to hear it and who know, we might teach each other something new!

I will post more photos as the project continues!

Thank you for checking out my post!


This Is really cool!

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Thanks so much!

Looking clean! I look forward to seeing more updates about your process!

A well organized outliner is def helpful. I’m kinda bad about that tbh lollll. Sometimes when I’m focusing on art I let things get chaotic temporarily and clean it up later.

Btw you may already know this, but if you right click on a folder and choose “Make Current Folder”, any props/devices you add to your map will automatically be stored in that folder. I got that tip from @Ray-Benefield and it helps me. :blue_heart:


Looks great!

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Fantastic tip indeed by @RayBenefield !

And yes it makes the process so much more seamless and enjoyable!
When I started it was the same for me. The files where everywhere, lol :joy:
Then I just decided that when I build now, I will have an organized file system process, and its made a huge difference! Thanks so much for checking out my post!

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Thank you so much! Posting updates soon!

Nice! I love the Egyptian aesthetic. :smiling_face:

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I didnt read your post until after I looked the picture. But, when looking at the image I noticed the outliner and thought how good an idea that was. And then I read that you made mention of it.

Well done!

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Thank you for all your comments on the matter!
The Great Race took a slight pause in production due to
having a few project to work on for my Team!
Take a peek at an overview of that project here

and Ill be sure to post the progress on The Great Race as soon as I can!