"The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version" with a new project

I had compiler errors when I last exited UE4/VS that seem to have been causing this issue. My solution was:

  1. Open the Visual Studio Solution file in the project directory
  2. Build the solution, and fix any compiler errors that appear
  3. Once the build is complete, close VS and reopen the project from UE4
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Thank you! This was the solution for me as well. I was playing around, getting my feet wet with C++ but I made the mistake of trying to create a C++ class in the editor without first having the C++ toolchain for Visual Studio installed first. I got errors in my Output Log telling me that I needed the C++ toolchain installed first. So I did that but then…

This caused all sorts of weird anomalies while trying to debug and edit code, etc. So I desperately wanted to start over with the C++ thing now that I had the toolchain properly pre-installed. I didn’t need to keep any of the classes I created, so I deleted all the source files in the Source and Binaries folder, but then I got the “following modules are missing” popup when trying to launch the editor, which brought me here.

Removing the entire “Modules”: [ {…} ] section for the .uproject file did the trick for me. Removing it, along with the Source, Intermediate and Binary folders, successfully got my project back to a working, pre-C++ state.


I added the folders to antivirus exceptions, but still the error is still occurring. Did you do anything else after that?

Thanks for the solution. I also had the same issue with this, I tried to create a new C++ class but it ended up breaking my project so I deleted the “Modules”, Saved and Binaries and now its working again.

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Had a similar issue with UE4Editor-UnreadEd.dll
Deleted it from the UE4/engine/binaries/win64 folder and then compiled the UE4 project in VS
and it rebuilt the dll and its fine now.

The initial cause was a power outage in the middle of a full rebuild.
You might also want to compile your game project again just to be sure its up to date
after that.
If its another file thats causing the error for you, try deleting it and recompiling. (make a backup of it just in case)

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这个回答牛逼炸了(this answer bovine genitalia explosion)

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This really worked for me… thanks

it workerd for me! thanks for sharing this solution! but, it only works if i create a new project in blueprints, not in c++.

6 months of effort and 700GB of data was about to go waste if i had not found this thread. Thank you all for your kind suggestions. moving the files to a new project worked for me

Thanks, solved my issue. :slight_smile:

Could someone also help me solve this problem? I am trying to open Blocks.uproject and the following error appears:

I already built AirSim correctly and dropped the plugins folder into the Blocks project. My VS file has the Active(DebugGame_Editor) configuration in the Active(x64) Platform. When I press F5 in my Blocks project, it says that there were two build errors, one with the UnrealBuildTool line 1 file and the other one in the Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets line 44 file.

My Windows version is up to date and the engine versions of what I am working on are all 5.0.

Please, let me know if you have a solution for this, thank you so much in advance!


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Thank you. This helped this, tho also in UE5.

esto funciona para mi en ue5.1.1

Just here incase anyone else has this problem like I did. Tried everything from This forum and Reddit, over the same matter nothing worked. What I did do, was close out the editor completely , Open the C++ code, rebuild with CTRL+SHIFT+B. While it’s building pay attention the red print in the terminal as it’s the fatal errors. I had incomplete code that was clashing for whatever reason. It was good code. So no (inline) errors. But between the header file and C++ file it wasn’t working. I read the RED print. and deleted the 2 small lines of code. This allowed the .DLL to build and the project to open. I was later able to rewrite the two same lines of code, and then finish them.

Okay, but what if you check the C++ & there’s no issues, but you’re still getting the error. I’m on version 5.2.1 because that’s the version we need to use in my University this year, and yet I’m having the same issue, it won’t let me rebuild, says “Visual Studios 2022 x64 is working fine but it’s missing Visual Studios 2022 x64 it needs to work correctly”, which doesn’t make sense if it’s working fine. Unreal engine version is correct, visual studios version is correct, there’s no errors coming up in the code when I load up C++, and even my tutors seem stumped by it atm.
Anyone know what else to do?