As in error message: “Please verify that the “VC++ 2017 toolset” component is selected in the Visual Studio 2017 installation options.”, after that (my VS don’t have anything installed, I added C++ component for last version) project rebuilded and worked
Hello, I trying to make integer spin box by this post > Creating an Integer Spin Box for Widget - UI/UX - Unreal Engine Forums , but when I created new C++ class i get error about something missing in Visual Studio, I saved project and quit, then launched Visual Studio (first time), I think its need download some files, but all looks ok, when I launch project again, I get error from topic. Dont have this file “Now navigate to your >game-name<.sln file” (from post), I need to do something with IntSpinBox.cpp and IntSpinBox.h?
Rebuild don’t help: Project name could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.
And why UE dont have integer box …
I did some thing in other project, here error:
WARNING: Visual Studio 2017 is installed, but is missing the C++ toolchain. Please verify that the “VC++ 2017 toolset” component is selected in the Visual Studio 2017 installation options.
ERROR: Visual Studio 2017 must be installed in order to build this target.
LogSlate: Window ‘Message’ being destroyed
LogSlate: Window ‘Add C++ Class’ being destroyed