The Error MSB3073 exited with code 6 has haunted me for way too long.

10>Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(44,5): Error MSB3073 : The command “D:\UE_5.3\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UnknownCodeEditor Win64 Development -Project=“A:\Unreal Projects\UnknownCode\UnknownCode.uproject” -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild” exited with code 6.

For over a year, I cannot use visual studio or rider and debug my project because EVERYTIME I get this error. Its actually insane how persistant it is. I have probably looked at every forum on earth and even spent 3 months talking to a rider representative trying to get help but literally nothing works. When i first started getting into unreal c++ I was using visual studio (probably two years ago) and then this problem started. So i switched to rider, which was free and i thought it would be able to fix it. It did for a while i think (its been so long) and then it started breaking again. I’ve looked at forums that have said its mispelling and forums that are talking about making scripts to change game code. Nothing has worked. I’ve made multiple new projects that work when theres no additional code, but as soon as I “Add c++ class” it breaks. Even if i do not edit anything in the class, it breaks.

Even though i love unreal, I DO NOT WANT TO build a whole game in blueprints.

Any help is appreciated.

  • A struggling developer.

Mine is exactly the same, I can’t understand, if somebody nows how to correct this, please help

Check the log file in Rider or VS to see what additional information it provides you. I struggled with same issue until I checked the log file in Rider and it actually told me that it wasn’t able to detect a module called “MySQL” (I was using a plugin) due to which I was getting that error. Simply solved it by moving the SQL plugin into the project’s Plugin folder and it was fixed.