The Epic MegaJam Team Up Thread!

Hey Ninjin,

Have you found a team to work with yet?

Hey alvarofer0020! are you still looking for a team?

Have you found a team to work with yet?

Hey all!
We’re a team of four, partly gamejam veterans and partly industry professionals, and we’re still looking for someone who enjoys and is great at animating things! Anyone interested?


Main Skills

Eastern US

My experience with UE4 and UDK has primarily been with physics & constraints. With general hands on experience with everything else.
Really just looking to join a group for fun, not to win.

ya’ll stop trying to just have fun & not win.

ya’ll are scarier than the AAA & industry professionals. lol - seriously :cool:

Hey I want to join! I can model hard surfaces and i am learning substance if anyone is interested in using that!

Sent you a Skype message.

Howdy again!

Right now I got a 3D Enviroment Artist, But I need another artist, 1 music/sfx person, and 1 other person( Programmer, Artist, or FX Tect artist)

Team Epic Bacon LFM

we currently have 4 members and could use 1 more! we currently have 2 modelers and blueprint/fx

message me or join our teamspeak:

A little late to the talk cause we just decided to do it. The team I’m on has a sound fx/music, level designer(me), and 3D artist (assets/clutter). I have done some blueprinting but it’s not my expertise but I can help with that. We have 1 spot open, preferably a 3d artist/environment. If anyone is interested please let me know via pm, gets hard to sift through posts.

Also one thing I forgot to mention. If anyone that is joining has experience with svn or something similar that would be great. Also we have filled the blueprinter spot

We are excited to be taking part in the games jam.

Team name: Fibre studio

Number of members: 3

Thanks Guys

Check out our Twitter: @fibrestudios

Noticed this awesome game jam a tad bit late… but still, I’m looking for a team. I do audio implementation, sfx, music, blueprint and level design. Let me know if you have a spot over on your team or (if you’re ridin’ solo) you can join me in a team!

Hello everyone! I am a 22 years old italian guy!
I’ve jumped into game development over one year ago, but I warn you: before I’ve been studying engineering, so beware!
I haven’t worked on a finished UE4 product yet, but I got many prototypes up and running (one even had networked multiplayer!) and I’ve worked on fwo finished products with Unity before; small projects but they still required a lot of coding!

I’m mostly into system/feature design and gameplay programming (blueprints, preferably).

I am willing to work for a total of at least 30 hours over these days!
I am not looking to win any prize in particular, I am just willing to have fun. I am totally fine with bounty hunting tho.
Please email me asap at esnow.dv@gmail. if you are interested to team up with me! I have no preference on the team thing, technology, themes, anything, my english’s fine, I’ve got a working headset and if there’s any mistake on this post it’s just becose I’m so high it’s unreal (haha get it… ok enought).

Gravdal Games is looking for anyone who would like to join up. There is already an idea here, but everything is up for discussion.
Point is that we are supposed to have fun with this!

Either PM me here or contact on Facebookand Twitter

Aloha there !

I’m Vlad, currently in Cologne, Germany
I’m just one guy with some industry experience and self-tought experience in UE4.
Here is my webiste with some of the games I’ve worked on: http://lomvlad./
I know it’s kind of late … but I’m searching for a fellow Jammer.
I know both Blueprints, modeling in 3Ds Max and Level Design.
Already have an idea, but I’m opened to suggestions.
Looking in particular for a fellow scripter / coder … Please ping me on [EMAIL=“lomvlad@gmail.”]lomvlad@gmail.

All good,

Hi There,

I’m looking to join a team for the jam to have some fun. I’m a 33 yr old, Front-End web developer by trade (been doing this for ~ 12 years now), but started playing with UE the last year or so. You can see some of my musings here: www.picklejarstudio. . Its been a little sparse lately, but there are a few things there worth note.

Primarily I’m looking to have fun and more importantly learn with others. Whether that involves actually finishing a polished game or not, doesn’t really matter all that much to me. I do a little bit of everything: blueprints, materials, game art, etc. Gameplay programming is my main cup of tea… 3D modeling is by far my weakest part (and least favorite) of all of this.

I’ll be PM’ing some folks in a bit for the jam, but anyone feel free to reach out if you’re so inclined.
