The endless Matchmaking Error #1

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I am facing matchmaking errors on the island I am currently working on, which prevents me from accessing the private island. Unexpectedly, I find myself unable to access it, and I encounter the same issue during playtests. I believe that if I release this island, other players, aside from myself, will be faced with the same matchmaking error and won’t be able to play.
A month ago, I released another island and came across the exact same problem. I’ve filed bug reports, but the matchmaking error remains unresolved. On that island, both myself and other players rarely can match due to this error.
The islands I created and released more than two months ago don’t experience this issue. However, islands I’ve started creating since last month faces this problem, preventing me from functioning properly as a UEFN creator.
For some reason, there are times when matchmaking works, but when it doesn’t, even trying things like restarting Fortnite always results in an error.
I’ve put a lot of effort into the island I’m currently creating, so I earnestly request a resolution to this matchmaking error issue.

Is it possible that my settings or actions within UEFN are causing intermittent matchmaking errors?

"After the recent update, I’ve been experiencing an error with UEFN’s island that others have also reported. However, the behavior of the error on my island was different. Specifically, instead of the lobby going dark, it clearly displayed ‘Waiting list is full,’ followed by the error message ‘Error #1: There was a problem with the matchmaking queue.’

Island with unresolved issues: 5232-5552-4877,1415-7473-5229

Steps to Reproduce

I select the island and start the matchmaking as usual.

Expected Result

After displaying ‘Waiting list is full’ for about 10 seconds, I encounter the 'Matchmaking Error #1

Observed Result

The expected outcome occurs (though there are rare times when it doesn’t, but when it does, I can never match indefinitely)



Island Code
