The Common UI is NOT! a Viable option for VR ( change my mind )

I have been trying to Get a working Menu using the Newer Common UI for the best part of a week now, with out success and I just keep running in to the same two issues over and over again, No matter how I try to find workarounds. So I have come the the conclusion It time to abandon the Common UI for any potential VR projects and it just not compatible in my experience.

The core of the issue is If you follow the recommended setup by creating a Container widget with overlay and a few stacks, Anytime the menu actor is loaded in the world with that widget the VR character looses ALL input and cant even move or pass any inputs to the menu.

I have had luck using an activatable widget with a stack instead of using the Common UI widget with a stack. I have movement and can click the menu button to push an activatable widget to the stack but as soon as the widget is loaded I loose all input again.

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CommonUI is not designed to work well w. 3DWidgetComponents as it’s using an invisible cursor. We currently don’t have plans to support it, and it’s best to use the Menu in the VR Template as a reference on how to build menus for VR applications.

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Thanks, But I just discovered that Its actually related to Enhanced input On the common UI.
I noticed I could still pick up guns but not pull the trigger then I realised that the only Inputs I have not using the enhanced input was grab. so I set my pointer interaction to the legacy grab input and the menu clicks worked. Still Got the issue with not being able to restore proper movement and input after though.

Also Is what I have been experiencing Due to the Input routing sending my input to the UI over my game character.