Thank you for code comments and awesome community design

I see most threads in this forum sections are complains and issues so I’m not sure if this is appropriate section to submit my thank you to the epic team and engine developers.

I whish to express my big thank you for commenting the engine code itself, there were times when the code was poorly commented if at all, and given the sparse source of documentation, it was very difficult to learn on how to program in C++.

I’ve been bussy with other projects in the mean time but after some time of inactivity I’ve come back and noticed almost every function and class contains a solid and descriptive comment.

You guys have no idea how useful these comments are, it’s a bliss for those who are new to the engine, especially since there are very few if at all game engines out there which provide quality code comments.
I assure you, many developers will find UE learning curve much less steep than what it was the case before.

In addition to code comments which is a No.1 and absolute must for any code base and important for new comers I would also like to praise the design of community forum interface, I certainly like it because it’s much easier to find what one needs than it what was the case before.

Online documentation is still sparse and not good but code comments certainly out weight that for good amount.

Overall, when it comes to fighting the steep learning curve you have made a great job and would like to encourage continued investment into this area because it’s very beneficial on how to use the engine.