Not at all ! So no HDR’s are for skyboxes exclusively. I’ve thought about how cool it would be, to slap a texture of a HDR Image of a Matte Box, on a poly cube, and using it for lighting. At this time it’s not at that level. Also, they have IES profiles for lights to replicate the beam pattern of certain lights, and you can download IES profiles from bulb manufacturers (Sylvania, Bosh, GE, Etc…) supposedly, although I’ve only found them on CG Websites…
When you try and hook an HDRI into a Texture Sampler in a material it expects a CameraWS vector, and typically an offset, of -1,-1,-1 to flip it around. into the UV input, if you don’t it won’t go into the emissive channel, and error out. Also you typically have to set the material to Unlit. All of which make it useless for Material Surfaces.
One of the “Walls” I’ve hit is taking a clean HDRI with plenty of resolution, having it not Blur when projected onto the sky. My Solution is I then down-sample the HDRI to 8bit / Chan (24Bit), and project onto a Sphere, which works but creates other issues with Directional Lights, and Parallax. But is much clearer. The other part is to use a Sphere with a flat bottom to project the floor onto, to use as a HDR environment to place objects into to display to have accurate IBL Materials, and then shift the HDR to another, and check it against varying lighting conditions, and still have shadows cast onto the floor. The floor thing Eludes me, since the resolution is so opposite to what you’d need. With the highest pixel density close to you. As well as we have no shadow receiving objects, which only capture the shadows, and project them onto a piece of geo below, or the BG.
Also even though this is for you, this was the first topic I found on HDR integration into unreal, and therefore I’d like to set this up as a knowledge foundation to build upon, and have others discover. This is what I’ve unearthed messing with it, since the Beta.