Texturing Model Failed

Texturing Model Failed occurred.
I’d like to know the reason why it happened.
Is there a reason for the code [0x3209 ₩ 0x3207 ₩ 0x7 ₩ 0x7] on the Command screen?

Hello @Nuriarchive
What I can see it is related just to the model’s texture.
What are your texturing settings? Are you able just to unwrap the model? Is this also happening after the application’s reset? Are you data saved on the local disk?

Thank you for your opinion.

  1. My Texturing Settings

  2. Unwrap
    The Unwrap button does not press separately because it automatically proceeds as set when the Texture button is pressed.

  3. Reset
    I haven’t tried Application reset yet.
    I will test the application reset this evening.
    I know how to do it.

  4. Disk
    All of the pictures that you have done are on the local disk.

Also, do you have enough space for the cache files?
Can you try to use other unwrap/texture settings as mosaicing?
I would try to just unwrap your model, if that is working or not.

  1. Cache Space

  2. I use “Mosaicing based (experimental)”

  3. Okay. I will try this

It was completed normally.
The first way was to erase the cache and texturize it.
I succeeded right away.
I don’t know why.

Thank you for letting us know.

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