Hi all,
I’m currently facing a problem where textures imported from Blender are displayed incorrectly in Unreal Engine. I’m familiar with the common problems like textures not being exported from Blender and fixing it by exporting the model as a GLB for example, but this time I’m succesfull in exporting the model and textures but the textures display incorrectly on the model.
I have tried (and all failed) exporting the model as GLB with the textures, importing the individual textures in Unreal and creating a material in there and enabling / disabling Virtual Textures.
I have attached 2 images, the first one is from within Unreal Engine (with the white background), and one from within Blender how it is supposed to look like. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
From what can be seen in the samples, there’s something overwriting your textures, most likely a material issue. Could you please provide screenshots of your current material setup, how many maps are being used for (base color, normal, roughness, metallic, etc), and in which format are they being importer (.png, .tga, etc)? Thank you!
Hi @brs-sebascova , thank you for the quick response!
I have attached the images below. The first one is the simple material I tried when importing the individual textures, the second one is from exporting the model as GLB out of Blender which gives the exact same issue, and the third one is the material setup in Blender. All the textures are PNG images. If you need any other info please let me know!
To help narrow down if it’s Unreal or Blender, try exporting an fbx and re-importing into a blank blender scene. That should help narrow down what side the problem lies.
I had a similar issue and it was due to hidden UV attributes that only activated when exporting.
If it’s not that and your export is fine, check your import options. You might be inadvertently replacing UVs or auto unwrapping ( although I can’t say I’ve seen that happen)