When I apply the textures on my character in Unreal the textures look jagged. I have check the textures settings and it shows 8k for all displays, which is what I want. I have check the LOD in the texture and blueprint of the character and it looks like it is all set to zero. I have quickly tested some of the textures in Maya and they look fine. I have also tried to set the Mip gen settings to no Mid map but it did not solved the problem.
Please help
I notice you cropped off the top of the viewport. Does it have an error there about the texture streaming pool being over budget?
Same problem here, its a 4k map and it’s very pixelated. You’d think this would be a setting in the texture window but mips make no difference for me and read out says 4k. Very odd.
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Same answer
Do you have errors about the streaming pool?
No none, material on left is on a fresh plane object, and same material on right is on an animated alembic mesh. I’ve narrowed down that nothing is wrong with the texture or material itself, the black and white star graphic is 4000x4000, so it’s obviously displaying wrong in the editor on the animated mesh on the right, but through no fault of the texture or material editor.
I’ve looked in the mesh and geometry mesh settings but don’t see anything regarding mips, LODS, or material settings that would make it pixelated. The animated mesh itself isn’t low res or blocky either, its a nice smooth 5gb cloth simulation with plenty of subdivs.
I may have goofed something in the animated mesh settings because I was working just fine with a cloth texture yesterday and then today it started behaving like this, it display any and all textures on the animated mesh as pixelated garbage. Not doing any fancy UV stuff either here, just drag and drop.
Ah, sorry, alembic, not my area 
Haha yeah entirely different issue. I’m thinking it’s related to this possibly but will mess with it later busy atm Widget text / textures are extremely pixelated. UE4.27 - #4 by Everynone
I’m just glad I ruled out the texture & material being the issue since it works fine on any other object other than animated alembics. Also probably a UV fix I’m ignorant of in the node editor but I am very new of course haha.
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Will post on other relevant threads I also commented on, after much testing everything I know of I figured out something that seems to fix this issue. Issue is an import one apparently via UE’s alembic import window settings - needed to change the Compressed Texture Coordinates Number of Bits setting from 10 to 30, which seemed to drastically increase the resolution of materials displayed on moving alembics and solve my issue.
It’s weird in that, again, few people seem to have an issue with this when texturing and don’t need to change any settings at all on the import for alembics - as far as I can tell my alembic export from C4D is pretty standard, 5gb about and nice subdiv but not anything out of the ordinary. Made a video documenting this so hope it helps somebody:
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