The two pieces of pavement there are the exact same material and exact same mesh, but different results on the texture itself.
The strange thing is if I move the “good texture” mesh to where the “bad texture mesh” is, suddenly the good one stops working and starts appearing incorrectly as well.
It is almost as if the area of the level is making the textures appear incorrectly.
Any ideas what is going on here?
Have tried different materials, different meshes and always get the same results. A couple of locations on the map just will not display the texture correctly.
Also changed the UV channel from 0 to 1, not entirely sure why but it didn’t help in any case.
We’ve seen something similar but only on Metal on iOS. If you’re able to send me your project, that would be very useful in helping track the issue down.
Just zip up your .uproject file, and the Content, Config and if they exist, Build and Source folders from the same directory as the .uproject file. You can mail them to me .porter at epicgames dot com.
The material uses a local to world transformation to compute the mesh scale. It looks like there are some issues with precision on mobile hardware at certain mesh locations.
We’re still looking to see what can be done about it.
Also it will be better to change your materials that use tiling, specifically all materials that use UV_CustomTexture function.
Right now texture tiling calculated in pixel shader, it’s better to move it to vertex shader.
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