Texture UV input - how it works?

Hello community,
I spend some time and googled many articles about this, but i just cant get it how these UV coordinates works in texture when i feed them with black/white input…
Could someone please explain me this behavior?
Btw i know what are UVs, i did some UV mapping on my models ingame, its value between 0-1 but i cant get it how this works with ?float1? input… AFAIK if i mask texture like there with “G” mask, output is float1 right? So how texture know where and how to change color? I noticed that mostly black clouds are red, and mostly white are blue but when i see it “broken”, it means when i feed texture with that clouds then i break UV from 0-1 to something like 0->0,5->0,7->0,4->0,8->1??


UVs input is 2 gradients (horizontal and vertical) in X and Y channels


Texture takes it to map pixels from left to right and from top to bottom
So, in your case, small UV values becomes red, medium is green and values ~ 1 is blue.

In this case you just plug one channel into UVs, so X and Y are identical.
And it simply distorts you texture.
to better understand this effect try to multiply UVs on some small value and grow it.


Thanks, i got it! :slight_smile: this was key info for understanding…
So for other PPL here is my explanation:

In most use cases, you have an uniform 2D Vector as UV input.

Think about the UV input as “how often does the Texture fit into the normalized UV-Space?”

The higher the numbers, the more often the texture repeats (= the texture gets smaller)
The smaller the numbers, the less the texture repeats (= the texture gets bigger)

U is horizontal repeating, V is vertical repeating

This can be useful when it comes to Landscape Materials. To avoid visible repeating, you scale down the texture by decreasing the UV Input.