Texture Tiling


I’m trying something which probably is very basic. Use a linear gradient to create a progress bar material. I’m using a Gradient called T_gradient_stasis, which comes packaged with the engine.



I’ve tried playing with VTiling and it affects the gradient



But whatever I do to UTiling doesn’t seem to affect the texture tiling. Changed U from 0.2 to 25 and it just shows as the texture with 1 in UV tilling.

I had hoped I could control the length and see the progress bar sort of affect.
Any clue as to what’s going on here would really help.
I don’t know much about CG and am trying to understand textures and materials and particles more.

Thanks in advance,

The texture is tiling you just can’t see it because it is seamless. There is a built in progress bar for the UMG. If you want to control progress in a material the you can do it this way:

Depending on which node is being input from the Texture Sample node (G channel to a multiply or R channel to a pixel depth offset node…), those color channels either function for the UVs or for color, or some other property.

For UVs (or UVW is the 3D coordinates):
R channel = U = X
G channel = V = Y
B channel = W = Z

So in the game, or viewport, tiling the U for that horizontal bar texture is merely adding more of the bar across the U (or X) axis. So, you’re right, since there’s no seam in the texture, when it overlaps or tiles, it appears seamless and there’s no noticeable gradation of the image horizontally. It could also be resized in the viewport, and would likely not display much different until getting to super high values. For a progress bar, that isn’t necessary, so simply tile it a number of times based on its initial pixel width in the U (X) axis, and apply it to the UMG or whatever to see if it’s different. If it’s not, then resizing is probably how to do it.


Thank you for the explanation. I later, after seeing your comment, checked the HUD material example in the contents example and I see that the Green channel on the texture draws a distinct boundary around the texture and probably giving it a seam and for that reason it just works. where as this gradient does not have that along the U, but has one along the V, which is why I could see a change in tilling along V and not U…Great…
Cool thank you for your response…
