Texture streaming pool over budget

I am encountering the error “Texture streaming pool over budget” and quite confident the culprit is a pawn.

The rendering in the pawn viewport looks fine, but in the level it looks like it’s multiplying itself.

Unfortunately, I cannot figure out why this is happening as the pawn only has a particle system and four materials. Spring Arm with Camera also attached.

Running “Stat Streaming” confirms that NonStreaming MIPS is at 203%.

Any tips on troubleshooting would be much appreciated.


This is a classic error which is related to how long you’ve been running the editor more than anything else, in conjunction with looking at a lot of textures.

Just use the console command: r.Streaming.PoolSize 3000

( or 4000 if you GPU has 4GB etc )


Even after a restart, when I load this level the NonStreaming MIPS is over 200% and the pawn still isn’t rendering properly.

First image is pawn viewport rendering. Looks as it should.
Second image is in level viewport rendering and also when playing. As if it has multiple copies of itself overlaid.
Third image is when the pawn is in motion, it’s really getting blurred instead of staying clear and sharp as seen in the pawn viewport.


I think you have a variety of problem there. The texture is only loaded once, even if you have 400 pawns in the level, so it just must be a very heavy texture.

The layering and strange movement will be your code :wink:

:exploding_head: I still can’t spot what might be causing this. Any ideas? Here’s the Event Graph and the Update Position function.

Do you know what will happen if it goes over? Will UE5 keep crashing and will I not be able to open it again? Or what?

It doesn’t crash but you will see textures low-resolution mip or a texture pop all over the place.
There is also a hitch.

Very serious in game that can move through level very fast.

Nothing will happen. It will just look rubbish…