I have an issue with the texture streaming, if i turn on texture streaming the quality of all texture is set to low. and doesn’t matter if i set the texture quality to cinematic in the settings the textures stay on the lowest quality. and if i turn off texture streaming the quality of all textures is set to the highest and it doesn’t matter if i change the quality setting to the lowest. anyone have an idea on this issue?
Whats the resolution of the texture you are using and are they setup for texture streaming?
well i have alot of texture to check and they are setup for texture streaming because this happened like two weeks ago and i have been working on this project for a year and half. it suddenly started happening. and its not like two or three texture the issue is occurring with. its with every single texture in the project.
nothing silly like overlapping meshes etc like it could be an accidental duplicate? some screenshots would help, and check use texture streaming hasnt been turned off by a project crash on the textures easiest way is to set search filter to texture and select all and edit matrix on them to see settings and quickly edit properties
so its not an overlapping meshes issue because this issue happens on any level what so ever. and i turned on force mip streaming on a object while the texture streaming is on, its just like i turned off the texture streaming for this single object. as it loads the texture quality on the highest and doesnt matter if i lower or higher the texture quality in the scalability settings. this seems like an engine issue. although i haven’t open any other projects on the same engine. i will check on that and if the issue is in more than one project then its an engine issue and i will just reinstall the engine to see if it works.
okay so it seems its an engine issue, because when i opened another project, it actually doesnt matter if the texture streaming is on or off, the texture quality will stay highest, although iam confused why this issue is carried into the final packaged game if its an engine issue. i will reinstall the engine and see if it changes stuff
If it is a corrupt engine build then your packaged game will be corrupted, but really doesn’t sound like it.
It sounds like you haven’t got project settings or config file setup correctly and probably should review the documentation on texture streaming as i think you are miss understanding what it does. Or how to use it, also in this case a picture really does say a thousand words and will help to nail down the issue. If you do decide to show pics do share one of settings on texture, the issue, project settings and .ini file .
Another option is to delete your binaries and regenerate the project and see if that resolves it in case something funny happens after enabling it
so i reinstalled the engine and nothing made a difference. i also deleted the binaries but nothing changed. could you be more specific on what texture settings and project settings i should take a screenshot of.
The easiest would be do the matrix of texture, the issue and one to what you want to accomplish. As for the settings refer to the documentation, that way we can narrow down anything missed and see what you have set
I and a few other people, the last week, have had this streaming issue with Unreal.
Do you get a TEXTURE BUDGET warning?
And if so, how does that warning relate to the actual usage of GPU shown by your TASK MANAGER?
sorry for the late reply, but now that you have mentioned it, i always had a texture budget warning but now i do not. (i dont know since when i didnt have a texture budget warning)
but i always used to have it, what does that have to do with the issue? maybe it can be fixed anyway that is if you found a fix.
Before I mention anything else, you really should examine this:
But to see the reading properly, you’ll need to keep the Task Manager open and visible to the side (in the background) while you’re inside of Unreal. If Unreal is set as a background window (because you clicked out of it), it will relinquish the GPU.
so after turning on the texture streaming these are the stats i had from my GPU and the texture streaming
r.streaming.poolsize XXXX in the console
also, you can use:
stat gpu
stat streaming
stat memory
stat rhi
The reason I suggested this is because there is a glitch (mentioned above) many people (including myself) are encountering where Unreal thinks the GPU is exhausted when it isn’t. So, because of this, Unreal is lowering the texture quality when the GPU still has plenty of RAM left.
And what is the Texture Pool setting?
800MB or more?
And an actual screenshot of what you are actually seeing. It might not be helpful, but at least for context…
so i did try r.streaming.poolsize XXXX which i assume it sets the poolsize without limit and it actually did something, but now it is as like i turned off texture streaming, because the quality of the texture will be the highest no matter the scalability setting, for example in the image
here the texture quality is set to the lowest. but this happens if i set the poolsize to any value over 3000, if i do set it to 3000 the issue comes back, for example in the image.
here the texture quality is set to the cinematic but its actually lowest quality.
and what i noticed when i set the streaming poolsize to XXXX the texture budget warning didnt show as in the images. so what could be the actual fix for this.
was there a fix found for this glitch?