Texture size scalability option?


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Does there exist an option for texture sizes or how is this handled by unreal engine? I see you can change texture filtering and texture streaming related features in the scalability reference but I can’t see anything about texture sizes. I wonder because I would want to support low-end hardware at the same time as I would like to have a nice high-end version.

The scalability documentation says at one point: “Performance is one part of scalability but it also can affect stability. E.g. If you run out of memory on a lower Spec, it might be best to grey out the high resolution texture option.”

How can I control which textures that are loaded?

Even if mipmaps and LOD were correctly used, wouldn’t it still take the same amount of memory on the graphics card? I want to be able to allow a really high resolution version for those who have high-end systems when still allowing those with low-end systems to start the game. I don’t know exactly how unreal handle this, is changing the LOD and mipmaps enough?

Okay, I think you are right. The problem is that I didn’t knew enough about texture streaming. Not sure how to handle textures that never streams though.