I have a problem with textures. I’m testing the performance of a set of levels on different computers to test and optimize. I created a simple blueprint in which by means of keystrokes (7, 8, 9 and 0) I switch between Low, Medium, High and Epic putting the following values in the console:
Values ranging from 0 to 3, with 0 being the Low setting and 3 Epic configuration.
The fact is that in the Unreal Editor this all works correctly, lower quality textures, shadow quality, antialiasing, effects and postprocesing.
We do the game Package in Shipping and Windows32 (in Shipping only let in 32, while in Development it allows 32 and 64, this I do not know why) and when it finishes cooking, we run the game and everything works except the quality textures, which remains in its maximum resolution, while shadow quality, postprocesing and other things change with the settings. Textures do not change even the smallest pixel.
I do not know what else to do, the version is 4.4.3.
Aidan Puche