Texture painting bugs in 4.25

Hey guys,
I found some very unusual behavior with texture painting in 4.25. I’m using the same exact material (Brushify landscape automaterial).

When I paint any layers I get small errors like this appearing on the landscape (glitch-01.jpg)

After I click Save level the glitches disappear and the landscape looks correct again (glitch-02.jpg)

This behavior only happens in 4.25 (and 4.25.1) , it wasn’t present in 4.24.

I also recompiled my shader for 4.25 and the issue was still present.

I checked known issues and didn’t find anything about this. At the moment it’s a big concern for me because many first time users of my shader are surprised to see the glitches, and don’t know that hitting Save will fix them.

I’d love if anyone here has a solution to this, or if it’s simply something i’ll have to wait for Epic to patch.


try to fill both layers on landscape. Right click on Layer and Fill, Do it for both, then paint.

This is an engine bug. It’s possible to work around, but it’s a bug with the software that didn’t used to take place.