Texture not loading fully when using SetTextureParameterValue() on mat inst const

I’m updating a mat inst const (that i’m using with my foliage) with a new texture during gameplay. For some reason the texture stays at the lowest detail and doesn’t full load in.

If i’m standing in an area of the map where this texture is being used for something else, then it does load correctly.

How can i force it to fully load?


Since the texture is in low detail, I know it is not a solution, but what will happen if you disable the mipmaps on that texture?

disabling mipmaps is a bad solution, it will cause heavy aliasing everywhere and leads to very inefficient texture memory usage in it (no streaming)

sadly I don’t have a proper solution. I know UE4 used to have that exact same problem on some very specific cirumstances (moving + scaling foliage elements) that would lead the texture streaming system (which is widely different in UE4 compared to UE3) to under-consider a texture’s screen-space usage resulting in mips not being loaded.

you could try to use the kismet node to preload that texture and see it if leads somewhere. it’s not an actual solution, just to add more info to the issue.
also you say if the texture is being used elsewhere (say, in a box) it loads. does it break again if you stop using that texture (i.e. delete the box), or does it stay loaded?

@Chosker There are areas on the map that that are using the same texture for another foliage type (that is the default texture used in it’s material). If i walk the character over to those areas, then the other foliage (the one i’m adding the texture to dynamically will start showing the high-rez texture). If i walk away from those areas then it reverts to the low-rez.

The only way i can think of doing this is to have both textures in the base material and switching between them using a material param (rather than dynamically adding the texture at run-time). But I’m already doing this a lot with other foliage types and I’d rather not use two textures in a material if they’re not both being used at the same time.

Can you atlas the two textures together so that all of the foliage uses just one texture?

I was reading your texture problem and was wondering if you had checked the proper usage box in the material and if not will that cause this issue?

What does the Kismet SequenceAction “Stream In Textures” do? It’s under New Action > Actor. When you change the texture, would a Kismet event to stream in the texture force the texture to load all the way?