Texture Issue

I have this issue with my texture. One image is from substance painter the other is unreal. The image in substance painter is how the texture is suppose to look like, but for some reason it comes out completely black in unreal. (Yes, i have sRGB unchecked). any thoughts would be appreciated.


Do you have a sphere reflection capture sphere in your scene? If not, try putting one in.

That seems to work nicely, thanks! would that make things thats not suppose to be that reflective higher the reflection value? or should that sphere or cube be used where needed?

That doesn’t affect the reflection value (which is specular). It only captures the environment and projects it on everything within the radius.

ah alright thanks!

No worries! Whenever you have a reflective surface like metal/shiny plastic, UE4 needs a bit of help to show the reflections via SSR or Reflection Capture actors. Usually SSR works okay in most cases but it doesn’t in your scene, so it doesn’t know what to reflect hence the blackness.

Reflection capture actors do not change any of the values in your materials. You just need to place them where necessary :smiley:
