texture is too big How do I make it smaller
Hi , i know this is extremely late , however if you still haven’t rectified this issue you can try this…
Open the Material
Look for "texture coordinate "
(if its your own texture then right click anywhere in the graph and type " texture coordinate "
plug this into your texture sample “UV’s” and any height map you have.
With it selected look on the left hand side and you will see " UTiling " and “V tiling”
change these values to adjust the texture size (save the file then have a look in your scene and adjust until your happy.
while that would work it also may not be optimal. he could be looking to increase performance and use less ram, in which case actually exporting the texture then modifying it in an image editing software may be better (4k ->0.5k). Also it could be an issue where when the texture is applied its wrong on only some meshes in which case modifying the uv unwrap would be better.
hello! it does not center with your problem but if as others have suggested, add texture coordinates and also the scale node (press s plus left mouse button), then put them in a multiply that links it to the texture. from the material you create a material instance, and opening this you will find the scale parameter that will allow you to scale the texture in real time in the viewport. forgive my bad english. the best and most professional way I think is as ThompsonN13 explained to you. ciao