It looks perfect in viewport. But when i render the shot texture gets blurry.
Somebody help please.
Are you getting any texture pool size warnings? If you are the render could be loading lower mips and you’ll need to increase your pool size. Also in MRQ if you go to Game Overrides make sure to not Disable Streaming if you are running out of the poolsize or memory on your card.
There is no any kind of warning
But when i disable virtual texture support, then everything works perfectly.
Ahh that happens sometimes. The editor tries its best to compile materials for all the use cases but it can miss things from time to time. Make sure you enable that in your material and that will do away.
For Virtual Textures its a different pool than regular textures. So you have to set that pool differently. In 5.4 we try and set this dynamically for you.
Virtual Texture Memory Pools in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation.
Hi Shaun,
Can you please elaborate how to fix that error? I’m getting the same and I belive I have that flag on.
Thank you
If you save and compile does it go away? If not I wonder if you have bad DDC.