Texture flickering in VR - forward shading fixed it on desktop, but not on laptop?

On my desktop I had an issue with some of my textures that had tight lines (plaid for example and some others like a wicker texture) that was fine on a monitor, but in VR it would flicker when looking at it and moving your head side to side. I fixed this by enabling forward shading in project settings. All looked great!

But I transferred the project to my laptop and now I have the same issue even though forward shading is enabled.

What gives? This is quite strange. Is this more of a video card problem? Desktop has a GTX1070 and laptop has a GTX1060. Similar enough cards.

Any ideas? What gives?

Try changing your Anti-Aliasing Method to “TemporalAA” in Project Settings>Rendering>Default Settings section. This got rid of ~99% flickering for me. I have a very similar setup (both desktop/laptop have GTX1080). Some very tight mesh flicker remains but it’s hardly noticeable.