So, this has definitely been asked before but I couldn’t really find an answer that provided a solution to this issue.
Anyway, importing textures from Maya/Mudbox to UE gives me alignment issues. The following image shows the item in question in Mudbox, Maya and UE4:
Now I can see while shaders are compiling that the checkerboard in UE4 is completely off. Why is this happening? What can I do?
Solved this by simply making sure my UVs where as close to perfectly vertical as possible. I previously had them diagonal to maximize space usage of my UV tile, apparently UE4 doesn’t like that very much and can’t align the textures all that well. It’s fixed now though, nevermind this.
Adding some info for others who use Mudbox:
The issue occurs when using normal maps generated in Mudbox with “Make normal from bump”. Remove the normal map and the textures align perfectly. So, you’re better off saving your bump map and generating a normal from that in any other program/online solutions.