Text Render Alpha not Working

I have been trying to dynamically change the Alpha value of a text render object, but I can’t change it no matter what. I can’t even modify it in the editor. I have changed the material to the DefaultTextMaterialTranslucent and still can’t modify the Alpha in any way. If I put it to 0, the text is still visible. I cannot for the life of me find any way to make this text transparent. Any help would be amazing. This is what I am doing in the blueprints by the way, but like I said, I can’t even change the opacity in the editor, so there is that too.

And this is the Details panel settings for the text render actor:

Can we get a bump? I’m having the same issue.

I finally found a little trick to do it, copy the DefaultTextMaterialOpaque, change it to translucent, plug a multiply between Lerp and Opacity, In Multiply A plug in the Lerp outcome and Multiply B comes a new parameter (i called it Alpha), then create a dynamic Material and with this dynamic Material you can change it in code as well, for example i changed the Value of this new Alpha Value from 1 to 0 with a timeline.