Hi there,
I want to be able to read from an A4 paper in VR. So I created a mesh with a texture from an A4. The paper mesh is the correct size. However, in VR the text is barely to unreadable because it is blurred, it has a bloom effect, etc. I use an empty VR project. Which settings should I change?
Kind regards,
whats the resolution on your texture? 
Hi ERuts, did you ever find an answer to this? Thanks
In your Texture: Try setting Mip Gen Settings to “No Mipmaps”
Bloom can be controlled in your rendering settings, also take a look at Auto Exposure.
Hope that helps!
Yes I did. It seems that the pixel in the VR headset (Vive) are not enough to make text readable in a real-scale level. If you want text to be readable you have to make it quite large: e.g. 10cm in ue4 units and look from it at a distance of circa 1 meter. We need another generation (e.g. 8k VR sets) for text to be quite readable on a real-life scale such as an A4.
Besides that you need to set the mip gen settings to no mimaps en look arround in your post processing settings: bloom, auto exposure, blurs.
What I also found as an effective method is to play around with the anti-aliasing. There are serveral options which affects small objects with few pixel (like letters). In my case it was most optimal to use no aliasing at all.