Hi !
I am creating a VR project (with HTC Vive) and I am having trouble with text in widget components. They always become all super chunky and disgusting as seen in attached picture. What can I do about it ?
My workflow is as follows:
- create a widget blueprint with my text in it. I usually try to choose the right size right away to avoid rescaling.
- Add that into a widget component in another actor blueprint
- Add the actor in my 3D World.
Note that the rest of the scene is rendering just fine.
Any idea ?
Thanks a lot
To anyone finding this post, I have actually resolved the issue myself.
The issue was that the original widget was too low resolution.
It was originally around 200px wide for 100px tall.
Here’s the fix:
-I changed this to around 2000px wide by 1000px tall, multiplied my font scale by 10.
-Then, in my widget component, I updated the draw size to the new resolution
- finally I down-scaled the widget component in my BP by 10 (divided by 10 that is)
Now the text is all nice and smooth.
As a side note I feel that this double definition of the image definition (in the widget, and as a 3D object in the widget component) is kinda misleading really. There really should be a native way to use vectorial images without going through rasterization.