Hello, been solving UV texel density in blender for 1 week now because of substance painter(getting low resolution even with 8K textures). The problem is I’m not really sure if blender can do it. My goal is to create in blender mesh with same texel density as the basic UE4 meshes are. In the image you can see the 1 UV unwrap where the lightmap fits in to 0,1 system but the texel density after importing into UE is low. The second unwrap is scaled by 10 it seems to be a solution but after build it gets reasonably errors. Untill now it was okay to just scale textures and get nice results ( like here my work Modern interior part1 - Intro - YouTube ) but for substance its not solution :S. Any helpfull tips how to increase texel density? Thanks in advance. If I dont solve it guess I’m gonna hang my self …
You can’t “Increase the Texel Density” of a Mesh. That’s not a thing. What you can do modify it’s UV coordinates.
You see, UV coordinates define in a 0 to 1 space where on a texture will a triangle covers in the simplest of terms. UV coordinates are independent of Texture density. whether your texture is 64 by 64 or 8K by 8k, 0 in the horizontal axis means all the way to the left, 1 means all the way to right, and 0.5 means in the middle.
Either the resolution of your textures is to low or your mesh is improperly unwrapped.
Oh well, tried to add some of mine own textures to substance and got much better results. Did not count possibility of low texture resolution in substance x). Thanks so much wouldnt even try…
Are the errors related to the Unreal lightmap? If so, make sure you either create a 2nd UV in Blender. The lightmap UV must fit within the 0-1 space (within the texture boundaries). The 1st UV can be whatever you need for your texel density (the 1st UV can have the UV’s scaled out beyond the texture boundaries (for a tiling texture). Unreal reads the 1st UV for the image texture and the 2nd UV for the lightmap texture (unless told otherwise).
Are the errors related to the Unreal lightmap? If so, make sure you either create a 2nd UV in Blender. The lightmap UV must fit within the 0-1 space (within the texture boundaries). The 1st UV can be whatever you need for your texel density (the 1st UV can have the UV’s scaled out beyond the texture boundaries (for a tiling texture). Unreal reads the 1st UV for the image texture and the 2nd UV for the lightmap texture (unless told otherwise).