Testing SLICE and CUT meshes and skeletal meshes

did you tried without events? i mean slice whitout user input, for example, a blade that is in the scenario spining and when the player goes trough he end sliced by the blade

How can I test it ?

Dear All,
in June I paused all this slicing bprints to complete the fractal work which I submit to the marketplace few weeks ago and waiting to be reviewed and published by UE4 team.
In these days I went back to the slicing effect in order to prepare a package scene with all the slicing blade bprints Iā€™ve done for the videos, the 1 blade, the 3 ā€˜wolverineā€™ blades, the star wars blades, the camera changing effects during slices and what I started working on today, a new challenge: cut a full skeletal animated homogeneus character (DAZ3D style) with a basic AI attacking the player and the player being able to slice it multiple times same as slicing cubes and all others static meshes. Actually UE4 does not converts skeletal meshes into procedural meshes so this will be a real challenge I hope to achieve with a good result (new video will come out here when achieved).

Submitting the full package slicing scene to the marketplace by the end of Sept2017 and hopefully available on the marketplace by mid October.


Keep an eye on the trello and follow the development of Procedural mesh, there are some updates coming that are suppose to change how it works, I think the 4.17 version might have some new stuff but they said that 4.18 they were going to make some changes to it.

Ok thanks, Iā€™ll follow the 4.17 and future releases to see if a skeletal mesh->procedural mesh conversion will happenā€¦Iā€™m pretty sure it will one day.

I followed you great tutorial and I am trying to adapt it for VR swords.
But I am not having much luck, Not sure why it wont work
Here is my Post

I answered on your forum pageā€¦check and see if works.

Holy S!!!
I was searching something like that for a looooong time.
Dude, you are my hero, thank you very much for share this

I need to study this thread slow and deepā€¦

i feel stupid. i canā€™t find any tutorials about Skeletal slices. can anybody share?

I donā€™t think there are any real slice tutorials on animated skeletal meshes. I still have to do one. Skeletal mesh slice can not be directly done as I showed in my tutorial on normal meshes: the only real way is to divide a skeletal mesh into parts (with a 3d cad) and attach these meshes to the skeletal in the exact position. Once done, manage each mesh as a procedural mesh (arms, legs, head, ā€¦) and you will be able to cut each of them. Consider that to reach a realistic effect you need to check the skeletal meshes hierarchy so that if you cut a leg also the meshes attached below (the foot) will be attached to the cut leg and not the the body. Dividing a body into parts can be done when you are managing robots or the ue4 mannequinā€¦but with human body is not a good ideaā€¦you will have a frankestein body.

Hey mate, can you please share the blueprints?

Hello, Was reading all of it. Interesting. Though, Using Slice procedural mesh on my side always gave me really poor performances. I wonder how you have no frame drops since on my simple tests I rember that using copy procedural mesh and slice procedural mesh were way to heavy, on your side, have you noticed any performance issue (for example playing from the editor). On the other side, I understand the meaning of slicing from pawn, but It might actually be better to have a main sliceable actor referencing to a child actor and a slicing function to call, so you could keep track of your components parts and then get rid of the Do once, and the single component to slice easily. Sincerely

Hi, I am hoping you will eventually give us the blueprint
Whatā€™s preventing you know?

You can see the slice tutorial hereā€¦thatā€™s the main bprint to follow.

Iā€™m back with new Lightsaber tests!

, Can I add you on discord or somewhere we can chat about the slice mechanic? Iā€™m building a game that requires slicing from a static mesh in the worldspace not on the character pawn.

Yes, sure. Write me here: @gmail.com
Check the slice tutorial before, you can then adapt the slicing bprint to any type of mesh.
Here my tutorial video: Tutorial on Slicing blade. (100% Blueprint, Unreal Engine 4) - YouTube

Star Wars Lightsaber PART 2 :

  • Three selectable blade colors! Slicing color = Blade color.
  • Saberlight leaves colored traces when touching any mesh.
  • You can now throw the Lighsaber and destroy meshes.

**Star Wars Lightsaber PART 3 : slicing Skeletal Meshes for the 1st time. **
I tried to perform a real procedural slice but UE4 has something like 1sec delay to generate the procedural mesh from the skeletal mesh animation, for this reason I decided to go for a destruct skeletal mesh solution, where many destrmeshes cut animation are used depending on where lightsaber blade overlaps the skeletal body mesh.

TEST 4 inside a cave: launch saber vs electric fiedls and foggy ground