Testing SLICE and CUT meshes and skeletal meshes

Looks very good so far. I hope You are not going to give up on developing this feature further :slight_smile:

I remember this cutting and slicing enemies worked well in Shadow Warrior 2, cool game btw
SW2 Developers probably used the same method as - creating procedural meshes from static ones.
I am not 100% sure since they developed their own custom game engine ā€˜RoadHog Engineā€™, however it was mentioned about ā€˜procedural character splittingā€™ in the video below


Shadow Warrior 2 - 20 minutes of procedural demon dismemberment - YouTube - gameplay

Yes, still plan to share. Iā€™m working on a full game actually, skeletal slices included. The tutorial+bprint will come out in the next weeks together with the game announcement.

Sounds awesome, i have been watching the thread for 2 year now, just never commented, interesting stuff.

Iā€™ll make slice tutorials next days.
Just posted the new game trailer and free demo of Free The Dragonsā€¦inside the demo you can slice vikings skeletons! Try it and let me know! :slight_smile:


nicely done. glad to hear you will do some videos on this

The " Free The Dragons" demo looks nice as well.
some small critique
Maybe tweak a bit on the camera, the placement is not the best right now when riding the dragon, try to simulate speed a bit more, do some fov changes etc when the speed increases, and a small screen-shake when the impulse happens, i find small things such as this add a lot and make the ā€œfeelā€ that most games lack.
The camera usually zooms in when the speed is lowered and the reverse happens + small camera shakes on the initial vector impulse, when you increase the speed.

(maybe you are already doing these things or arenā€™t going for that, its a bit hard to tell from the video, iā€™l have to check it out later, my apologies for not having the possibility to try it right now)

Games like Lair had some preety fun dragon flying moments : https://youtu.be/HkATMW6Q8z4

Any eta on the tutorial by chance? Looking forward to your game, wishlisted and downloading demo now. Will give you feedback this week asap.

Game notes :

Art style is awesome, hero is nice. Canā€™t Block? Only Roll?

Dismemberment Nice, maybe too many snow particles? Played on laptop ASUS ROG 1070. Will try again on desk. Enemies nice art. Really like chain sound.
Couldnā€™t throw at first had to restart. Save points for if you fall?

Any ETA if youā€™re still making it?

Hi, instead of tutorials Iā€™ll make some packages for the Marketplace, starting from the katana slice mesh & skel mesh. Will update with a Marketplace video on youtube channel.

Slice Marketplace page

Play the Demo


Hi, now you can check this out on the Marketplace! :slight_smile:

I inspired by you and finally I did it!
Though it still has little problems with physics simulationā€¦


First of all I love this and I love you.

Yes because you can slice them better! :slight_smile: Itā€™'s easy to change the bullet mesh inside the project.