Terrain import woes.Can't walk on any imported terrains

I’ve been experimenting with importing terrain maps and. as the title says, I can’t walk on any Terragen maps without dying. What color is the 0 on the Z axis? I can make my own heightmap in photoshop but I need to know where the 0 is. Can someone help me understand how to do this?

Also, how do I manuver though massive levels. I use the mouse but I’ve seen others move much quicker than I do when it comes to videos. How do they do that?

Hello Xade (I’m not sure about your insanity yet…)
I don’t know what you are importing exactly but if you get a static mesh in UE4 and walk through, you should check the collision of the mesh.

For your other question, I don’t know what you want to say by “0 on the Z axis”.
In a height map, you should think that the black color is is lower point of your map, the deepest valley.
White is the higher point, the top of the highest mountain.

If you search the value of the sea level, you can choose any value you want… If you choose a very light grey, you will have a lot of water with deep valley under sea.
But if you choose a low value (a dark grey), you will have high mountain with small lake in the valley…
Everything is relative :slight_smile:

For your third question, you have a button in the viewport to set the camera movement speed in the editor :

im trying to import a height map. I could use a blender made mesh landscape for it, that would be better for I do know how to work landscapes iin Blender but I don’t know how to export height maps in Blender.

I want to make a good forest landscape, my game calls for one but as I said, the camera was too slow. (Thanks for the camera speed, that will help immensely.) Now I can at least make something manually or at least edit the one heightmap I made that isn’t too bad to make it work.

How can I edit my landscape size and other settings after import?

Thanks again and have a great day/night

Edit, here is a screenshot
Database error had to link it via the img tags


I don’t know blender so I can’t help you with this.
But I think you should read some documentation about landscape in UE4.

If you plane to create a huge map with forest, you will need to use every optimisation you can ^^.
Having a big static mesh covert with hundreds trees is a bad idea :slight_smile:

Also, your mesh has no collision. You should build it.


But once again, complex collision with a big static mesh will quickly be a performance problem.

I am using the built in landscape editor and getting poor import results. When I import the landscape it’s either way up in the sky or way down into the ground, where if I go too far I die. I need to know what color is ground level so I can start working from there within photoshop. I don’t need a lake or ocean. The girl is standing on a small platform I made at the default location.

You’re meowing at the wrong bird kitty cat. I am not trying to import a huge mesh landscape from Blender, I only used that as an example that I could make one there and import it but I already knew it was a terrible idea, no matter how optimized the mesh would be. I was a creator in second life, and got quite good at it but lost interest in a premade virtual world and decided to bring my talents to my own game.

Edit: I see how you thought that. I meant how to export the grayscale heightmap like you can with say terragen and the like.

Thanks for the links, I’ll go over them later.

Miaou !

Always a good idea :slight_smile:

Maybe, you should just scale down your asset on the Z axis to make the valley less deep and the mountain less high without changing the rest of your map ?

I followed this tutorial step by step and once I get to the tick the used as landscape box I find nothing there, the third box down belongs to partical syste. Landscape isnt there, even if I search for it but I manaaged to build the mat anyhow, yet it wont show up, its just black. Any idea why?

I used to get this issue when copy/pasting a landscape from one map to another. I believe it’s just a simple build geometry action which will allow you to walk on your landscape. Since it didn’t look like much in the scene just build all to be safe and I think you’ll be good.