terrain flickering and pie unstable, player falls off map often

LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] /Users/stevenwoods/Desktop/GitRepo 5.2 - 4 5.3 - 2/Content/ExternalActors/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap/C/01/9H8N2VF5RW4YHUQ9ZLC5C0.uasset: Package was saved with a custom version that is not present. Tag 40D2FBA74B484CE5B0385A75884E499E Version 7
LogContentBundle: [ThirdPersonMap(Standalone)] Creating new contrainer.
LogWorldPartition: Display: WorldPartition initialize took 1.21 sec (total: 7.37 sec)

I. am getting that under log output here on new M1 Max. I was using windows, that that computer is no longer able to output to monitors so I just got this new Mac.

Im having trouble with heavy flickering terrain all over the place, and when walking on terrain, player falls off world sometimes, or on walk, player doesnt’ have entire length of area as seen before beginning play.

I wonder if Mac silicon binary is just buggy because its so new ?

Thx anyone

oh btw good grief. I have nanite off, restarted, and its still prompting to build for nanite, I have a nanite mesh from quixel, but its told me its not going to use nanite, and instead fall back for non nanite.

So why now, is it building landscape nanite ?
More indication of experimental silicon build ?

ty anyone